When Jesus changed water into wine in John chapter 2, His message was clear. He didn’t come to give us rules and religion. He came as the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world to reveal His UNSTOPPABLE love for us!
The problem? Lots of people fake supernatural transformation through religion. The truth is, no amount of rule-following, pretending, or social filters can truly transform us into something completely new! Only our Creator and Savior, King Jesus, can do that!
It’s not about going to church, it's about being devoted members of His Body and Bride. The Church isn't a physical building and never has been. King Jesus refers to the Church as His Body and Bride. It is His devoted followers, people born-again by grace through faith, being built together in Gospel Community to reveal King Jesus' UNSTOPPABLE! love to the world!
Being a member of His Bride and Body isn't about sitting in a pew on a regular basis. It isn't about knowing a bunch of Bible trivia or memorizing verses. There were a lot of people in King Jesus' days who had all the information down. They were the Pharisees. Today, there are a lot of really smart people who know statistics, trivia, names, dates, and loads of information about The Bible, but who'll be spending the rest of forever separated from God. It'll be that way because, as King Jesus stated, they loved darkness rather than The Light (John 3:19)... because they never repented from their sin... because they rejected King Jesus as the Son of God, Messiah, and our Salvation... because The Word was never anything more than a book.
Loving King Jesus is not about trying harder to clean up our act. Christianity and "self-help" have absolutely nothing in common. When we are born-again by grace through faith... when we truly have been crucified with Christ and no longer live... when we repent of our sin and are completely transformed into totally new creations in Christ our King... that's Christianity! That's why King Jesus came. King Jesus died to that end to glorify the Father in heaven.
King Jesus doesn’t want us to try harder, do more, or erect better garbage filters. He went to The Cross to make us completely new as members of His masterpiece (Eph 2:10) by His gift of grace through faith in Him!
If we're trying to adhere to food laws, rituals, and ceremonie... if we're still striving to earn grace... working harder at being better versions of broken selves, then like many, we're just rearranging the garbage of our sinful lives. If that's the case, nothing can or ever will truly change.
But when the Holy Spirit truly comes rushing in, He always brings new life! There's grace, mercy, forgiveness, redemption, and love available in Christ Jesus! There's freedom from trying to be more and from trying harder. If the focus is still on ourselves... still on me rather than on promoting and proclaiming the GOOD NEWS that JESUS IS KING to the ends of the earth, that's the proof we're still stuck in our sin.
When we truly are TRANSFORMED, we're set free to simply walk with our King. Worshipping our God of Holy Trinity in spirit and truth becomes as natural as breathing. That's when we find ourselves constantly seeking and taking advantage of every opportunity to tell the world about His UNSTOPPABLE! love, by declaring to everyone "JESUS IS KING!"
Grace and Peace,
Kevin M. Kelley
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"The World's Greatest Kids Book"
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