
02 October 2018


“From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.”
-John 6:66

I often wonder about our legacy. Not individually. Not even corporately as a local church. Rather, I wonder about the legacy of the collective global evangelical Church at this time in history.

Already within Church history books, the prominent identifiers are things like revivals and evangelistic crusades. Some might mistakenly interpret that statement as a sucker-punch at the likes of Billy Graham. Instead, it’s simply meant as an observation.

Upon Jesus’ departure, He gave His authentic followers an imperative command: “Disciple!” (from Matt 28:16-20). Jesus never instructed or implemented a theology of easy-believism. Whether crowds or individuals, when people approached to hear Jesus’ teachings they often departed downtrodden. They did so because the Eternal Son made statements like:

“Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you… Does this offend you?” -John 6:53-61

That’s a very different message than what is preached, taught, and lived out in the global evangelical Church today. Instead, we preach watered-down, fluffy, feel-good “practical” sermons about marriage enrichment, raising kids, morality, ethics, and self-improvement.

Jesus didn’t die on a cross to bring a message of self-improvement or “top 10 ways to improve your marriage.” He died so that we may/might have LIFE in HIM alone - and have it ABUNDANTLY (John 10:10).

Abundant life in Christ doesn’t come in a tidy little “one-click” conversion package like a mail-order from Amazon. It doesn’t come from praying a magical prayer with the right words in the right order at a moment of emotional overload laden with peer pressure at youth camp.

Throughout Scripture, humanity is likened to sheep. Ask any shepherd - sheep are notoriously doltish, thick, moronic animals. Offended? There Jesus goes again. In Matthew 16:24 Immanuel made it crystal clear, “If anyone would come after Me, he must 1) deny himself and 2) take up his cross and 3) follow Me.”

Jesus didn’t encourage crowds to bow their heads, pray a magical prayer, and come forward with angelic chords dancing in the background. Quite the contrary. Read John 9:57-62 and you’ll see Jesus repeatedly deter, discourage, and dissuade disingenuine disciples.

Thankfully, our LORD throws down the gauntlet of faith. He does so to ensure anyone coming under false pretenses, any manipulation by men, or any force in heaven and earth other than the Father’s will and the indomitable power of the Holy Spirit - would be thwarted, turn, and run for the hills.

Are you feasting daily on His flesh and blood? Is He the epicenter and everything of your life today? Is your prayer that of John 3:30, “He must increase. I must diminish?”

Will you be one of those on the Day of Judgment surprised to be standing among the goats, pleading, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Only to hear Jesus say plainly, “I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!”

Will Church history look back upon this chapter as a plight of easy-believism, superficial convenient faith, consumer-minded Christianity, and polite congregations surrounding themselves with entertaining, joke-telling, charismatic personalities tickling their ears for better pay and earthly benefits?

Or will we be known for pastor-teachers who preach with integrity and lead whatever the cost, congregations who follow whatever the cost, and children surrendered to Christ for the proclamation of the Gospel to the ends of the earth whatever the cost?

What will our legacy be? Time will tell.

-Kevin M. Kelley

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