At Poetry Baptist Church, we are currently camped out on a sermon series titled, Skillful Living. We’ve just begun working our way through the Old Testament books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Job. This past Sunday we dug deep into Proverbs 2:1-5.
1 My son, if you will receive my words
And treasure my commandments within you,
2 Make your ear attentive to wisdom,
Incline your heart to understanding;
3 For if you cry out for insight,
Lift your voice for discernment;
4 If you seek her as silver
And search for her as for hidden treasures;
5 Then you will discern the fear of the Lord
And discover the knowledge of God.
If… then… We all know that’s a conditional statement. In Proverbs 2, a loving father desires for his son to “understand the fear of the Lord, and discover the knowledge of God,” so he gives him clear instruction in the form of eight imperatives: “If you…”
“receive my words…” The word used conveys the idea of buying into, marrying, and seizing an opportunity.
“receive my words…” Not merely a dad’s mindless ramblings, but his argument, correction, rationale, plea, and promise.
“and treasure my commands…” To store up something of great value and protect it with diligence.
“and treasure my commands…” Not individual rules and regulations, but a singular comprehensive code conveying the spirit of the whole.
A wonderful New Testament picture of v.1 comes from John 1:12. We see those who actively, willingly, and humbly desire and receive Christ, to them alone He gives the right to become children of God!
“make your ear attentive to wisdom…” To listen, heed, dial in, and pay close attention as if your life depended upon it.
“make your ear attentive to wisdom…” Wisdom in Hebrew Bible is not cute sayings, but rather truly skillful living, i.e. every aspect of life attuned to the mind/heart of the Creator, whose glory is evidenced in the order, beauty, and goodness surrounding us, and how we relate with Him, others, and the world around us.
“inclining your heart to understanding…” to apply yourself fully, to literally ‘stretch out,’ to camp out, or to make your dwelling (tabernacle) there. To make a great effort.
“inclining your heart to understanding…” Through western eyes, we think of the heart as the seat of emotions. In the Ancient Near East, the heart was the mind/will. It was more akin to logic and reason (think Mr. Spock) than emotionally driven.
“Inclining your heart to understanding…” The idea of clear and valid discernment, perception, or insight.
A New Testament picture of v.2 can be seen in Luke 6:47-48. Here Jesus instructs, those who both “hear” and “act” on His words, they are like the wise builder whose foundation was laid upon the rock; and it could not be shaken! Another is from Mark 3:5. The crippled man is commanded by Jesus to literally “stretch out” his hand. When the man responded, he was literally “restored!”
“For if you cry out for insight…” To scream or summon out with effort and desperation.
“For if you cry out for insight…” The idea of clarity, perception, and objective, absolute, truth.
“and cry aloud for discernment…” Literally to give (nathan) your voice (cole) to something. Praise is publically giving your voice in song to the praise, honor, and glory of God.
“And cry aloud for discernment…” the same word used for “understanding” above.
In Mark 10:47-52 is the story of the blind man who cried out to Jesus, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” The etiquette-sensitive, golf-clapping crowd was offended and tried to hush him. Unlike the oblivious crowd, this man knew who this Jesus was! He CRIED OUT all the more in utter desperation, and we read, “Jesus stopped!” Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has made you well.”
“and if you look for her (wisdom) as for silver…” To make a thorough investigation, to eagerly pursue.
“and if you look for her as for silver…” Forethought, careful planning, clearing, blood, sweat, and tears spent mining for something dense with incredible value.
“and search for her (wisdom) as hidden treasure(s)…” To devise, ponder, strategize, and plan with great diligence and care.
“and search for her as for hidden treasure(s)…” If you truly believed there was a hoard of treasure buried in a particular spot, to what end would you go to discover and claim it?
In Matthew 6:33 Jesus implores us, “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” When our relationship with Christ is truly at the forefront, then God doesn’t promise we’ll drive a Mercedes and live in a mansion. Instead, He promises quite the opposite. He promises that as we evangelize, serve His mission, and disciple others, we will struggle, suffer, experience widespread rejection and ridicule, BUT all of our legit needs will be met in this life, and more importantly, for all eternity in His presence.
“then you will…”
“understand the fear of the Lord…” Gain clarity and perception regarding objective truth.
“understand the fear of the Lord…” Not terror, or some subjective idea of ‘healthy respect,’ but rather simple obedience, absolute trust, and transcendent faith that God’s way, although not easy, is good, right, and blissfully fruitful.
“and find the knowledge of God.” The idea of securing, being presented with, or handed something. Not having ‘earned’ it through your efforts, but rather the effort revealing the true desire of your heart.
“and find the knowledge of God.” Not mere head knowledge or trivia, but rather a way of life, a directive, guiding star, belief system, or worldview, which governs every thought, action, and pursuit in life.
“and find the knowledge of God.” The exclusive God of Scripture reveals Himself as the eternally relational Father, Son, and Spirit; the transcendent Almighty Creator, the God of covenant relationship, of Abraham (obedient faith model), Isaac (promise), Jacob (mercy toward the undeserving), David (reward to repentant with extravagant and gracious love), and through the New Testament - as the incarnate Immanuel (God with us) who was willingly born of flesh (humility), died on a cross (justice), resurrected (unstoppable), and coming again (promise keeper) for those who are eagerly awaiting (actively engaged in evangelism, mission, and discipleship) His return and eternal reign!
The fear of the Lord is about our simple and objective obedience to God, His will, and His mission to reconcile humanity to Himself. Becoming wise is about skillful living as a result of our intimate relationship with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Wisdom is not about accumulating cute sayings to impress people at parties. Gaining wisdom is not a recreational religious hobby or a passive consumer-minded activity.
God implores us through Scripture, to pursue Him with everything we have. Our active and intentional response to that imperative reveals our true relationship with God.
Are you actively receiving, treasuring, listening, stretching out, crying out, lifting your voice, seeking, and searching with all diligence and effort for God’s wisdom, in fact, Christ Himself?
Are you living skillfully?
Come join us at Poetry Baptist Church in Terrell TX, this Sunday at 11:00 am as we explore Proverbs 2:6-8 with the excitement and wonder of children on a treasure hunt!
-Pastor Kevin M. Kelley
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