
22 October 2019


He brought me out into a spacious place; He rescued me because he delighted in me... You, Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
-from Psalm 18

Do you know God delights in you? Not in our sin, but in our being made in the image and likeness of God and our righteousness exclusively in Christ.

Our faith in Him is the oil that keeps our lamps ever burning. In Matthew 25 five virgins are foolish and five are wise. The foolish are those whose lamp oil is self-righteousness. Their oil runs out. While they search for righteousness apart from the Bridegroom (Christ), He comes.

The virgins whose righteousness is found in Him enter into the eternal wedding banquet (see Rev 19:6-8). Meanwhile, the door is shut on those who aren’t prepared. Their faith was in something other than exclusively in Jesus.

Is your righteousness in Christ alone or in something else? Are you prepared for His return today? Will your oil run out and your lamp extinguish, leaving you outside forever?

Will you repent, call out to Him in desperate dependency, and fill your lamp with His everlasting and life-giving righteousness?

He will bring you into that spacious place because He delights in you! You are God's delight!

-Kevin M. Kelley

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