Oh, to see vast multitudes hear the Gospel preached and respond by faith! What would it be like to experience genuine commUnity?
Imagine meeting together daily at Solomon’s Colonnade in the temple courts to sharpen one another... to experience rich fellowship... to remember Christ... and to pray unselfish kingdom prayers... THEN to go and live it out, daily... What glorious WORSHIP!!!
“Those who accepted his (Peter’s) message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. They DEVOTED themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.”
-Acts 2:41-44
We don’t see much of that today. But why?
Because we don’t see much DEVOTION to anything today. Not to our kids. Not to our marriages. Certainly not to the church! And if not to His Body and Bride... how can we claim to be devoted to Christ?
“My relationship with Jesus is a personal and private thing.” That’s the consensus today, even though we don’t find evidence of that ANYWHERE in Scripture.
Subsequently, Christianity is culturally impotent and irrelevant. No devotion to anything but self.
Apathy and selfish desire. They got us into this mess in the first place (Gen 3)... but since the general consensus is that’s just “a story” or “antiquated fiction,” we can all just ignore that too... along with any other part(s) of God’s divinely inspired and inerrant Word (the Bible) we find offensive, difficult, or unpalatable.
The apostles weren’t successful because they taught the “four spiritual laws.” They didn’t present a “personal plan of salvation.” The apostles’ preaching never included “asking Jesus into your heart.”
The gospel (singular noun) writers (plural noun) and Apostles preached the death, burial, and resurrection of Messiah, Jesus. That’s the simple, unadulterated Gospel.
Here’s what the Apostle Paul had to say about the Gospel:
“I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes...”
Mic drop.
Church today isn’t about the Gospel. Church has become big business. Experts know that profitable business depends on consumers not communities, strategies not submission, marketing not missions, and retention not repentance.
“Where do you go to church?”
“Is there church tonight?”
“Did you see the new church they’re building?”
Our cultural language confirms church today is a place not the unified people of God. Whatever it has become (in many cases) has certainly conformed to the pattern of the world (Rom 12:2).
Convenience. Preference. Autonomy. As long as sermons aren’t too serious or convicting or long or technical or overly biblical... as long as the production and entertainment value is high... as long as they don’t talk about tithing... or serving... or Hell.
“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
-2 Tim 4:3
Today, most Christians don’t even know what sound doctrine is. A recent study indicated about 75% of CHRISTIANS in America don’t even believe Satan is real.
Apostolic (what’s an apostle???) teachings on fundamental biblical concepts and terms (e.g. evangelism, missions, gospel, praise, worship, teach, preach, unity, accountability, edification, and disciple) have become tragically diluted, completely warped, or wholly abandoned- not just by Christians, but by pastors and church leaders.
Take, for example, the concept of praise. What is it? What’s required? Can you praise God as a nonbeliever? Can you praise Him alone in your car? Can you do it with thoughts and silent prayers?
“...praise must come from a genuine and vital relationship with God, and praise to God must be vocal and in public forum. Praise is not silent nor is it possible in solitude.”
-Dr. Ronald B. Allen
And I Will Praise Him
What about prayer? Does God listen to the prayers of the proud, the disobedient and unfaithful? Will He listen because you’re a “good person” by your own standard?
“If anyone turns a deaf ear to my instruction, even their prayers are detestable.”
-Proverbs 28:9
How can we be followers of Christ (Christian) if we don’t understand the Gospel... if we’re not devoted to Him... if we’re not growing in stature united in Christ as the Body/Bride... if we’re not about the mission of the King as worship... if we’re not praising Him (public & vocal)... if our prayers aren’t being answered because of sin... if everything in every moment isn’t about Him and His eternal glory... How?
Sound extreme? So was the very real Cross. His very real death. His very real burial. His very real resurrection. Not for YOU as an individual. For US as His Bride.
That’s who He’s coming back for (Heb 9:28).
That’s who joins the wedding banquet (Rev 19:7).
Ever wonder what's going to happen when Christ returns? Are you waiting alone(Mt 25:10) or in the Body/Bride?
-Kevin M. Kelley
-Kevin M. Kelley
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