
15 January 2016



In talking with people over the past 10-12 years I’ve come to believe that there are very few Christian churches that “do church” well. By that I mean that one of the most basic, fundamental, and essential elements of church is frequently nonexistent or omitted completely - hospitality.

Throughout the Bible (both Old and New Testaments) we find that humanity and the people of God are frequently compared to sheep. This is not a derogatory statement or malicious comparison when you understand it in context. I didn’t grow up on a farm or ranch; nor have I ever spent any time herding literal four-legged sheep. What I’ve learned about sheep from people who raise, care, and shepherd them is that sheep are not very intelligent animals; but that’s not God’s point or reason for the sheep metaphors in the Bible. What I’ve also learned about sheep from people who raise, care, and shepherd them is that sheep are incredibly dependent; and that is God’s point in using sheep metaphors - like Psalm 23.

The problem is that many church leaders have mistakenly assumed and treated the people of the Church as if people are stupid and not simply dependent. We’ve all heard the stories about those church leaders (false shepherds) who live in multi-million dollar estates, drive exotic vehicles, etc., by extorting money from their congregations. In churches like these it’s no wonder authentic hospitality is devoid or thinly veiled. God never intended for - nor does He endorse or affirm - leadership that treats His children as if they were stupid.

Good shepherds are like The Good Shepherd - Jesus - or they are not shepherds at all, but rather wolves in sheep's clothing. True shepherds treat people with compassion because we understand that we are all dependent - not stupid. Leadership is not a position of entitlement, but a ministry of total surrender and servanthood - a ministry founded upon, rooted in, and of genuine hospitality.

This coming Sunday I’ve been invited by the leaders of my church family to welcome people at the beginning of one of our four services. My kids asked me if I was nervous - and I said not one bit. I’ve been welcoming people into the Body of Christ since the day God blessed me with the gift of faith back in 2003. When I look at the story of Abram/Abraham (same guy) in Genesis - I see an imperfect man whose greatest quality was hospitality toward God and people.

Listen to Abraham’s heart for hospitality in this passage from Genesis 18:1-5: “Then the Lord appeared to Abraham at the oaks of Mamre while he was sitting in the entrance of his tent during the heat of the day. 2 He looked up, and he saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the entrance of the tent to meet them and bowed to the ground. 3 Then he said, ‘My lord, if I have found favor in your sight, please do not go on past your servant. 4 Let a little water be brought, that you may wash your feet and rest yourselves under the tree. 5 I will bring a bit of bread so that you may strengthen yourselves, This is why you have passed your servant’s way. Later, you can continue on.’”

There’s no immediate evidence that Abraham initially knew that these three men were God. All we know is that Abraham was eager to serve with a heart oozing hospitality. Abraham RAN from his tent to meet them and then PLEAD with them to allow him to serve them… washed their feet, gave them rest in the shade, brought them food, and URGED them to stay a while. That kind of heart of hospitality is why God blessed Abraham so extravagantly (see Gen 12:3).

Is your heart for God and His people like Abraham’s? Do you have a heart OOZING hospitality to run and greet people because of their inherent value - having been made in the image and likeness of God? Do you desperately desire to give them a prime resting spot in the shade of God’s love, to bring them to a place to receive food from heaven - the gospel of Jesus Christ, and a genuine desire for them to stay a while so they can be recharged through community and fellowship with fellow Christians and by watching God do what is impossible for man - redeeming the souls and lives of the Lost?

If that’s not the kind of church you attend then I would venture to say it is no Christian church at all. If that’s not the kind of heart that you have for people - then I would invite you to get alone with God and ask the Holy Spirit to confront you, convict you, and change you. The Body of Christ and the people of the Body (you and me), i.e. the Church, look like our Bridegroom - Jesus. If that’s not the case something is very wrong indeed.

There is no greater ministry that the ministry of hospitality. Hospitality is the foundation upon which all other ministry is built - because hospitality is part of the essential image and likeness of God; hospitality is the very heart of Jesus Christ our LORD.

So as I prepare to welcome the people of my community into the Bride of Christ this coming Sunday - I do the same to you my reader-friends; I welcome you with a heart of hospitality and worship into the Bride of Christ. My prayer is that wherever you are in the world, wherever you are in life, wherever you are in circumstances, turmoil, depravity, in joy or depression - I welcome you.

Maybe I can’t literally RUN to you, but through this blog I’m running to meet you. Maybe I can’t literally wash your feet, but I can serve you. Maybe I can’t feed you with literal food, but I can invite you into a relationship with the Bread of Life - Jesus Christ. Maybe I can’t invite you into a literal place with literal shade where you can rest a while, but I can invite you into an eternal relationship with God Almighty through faith in Christ where you can have eternal rest in Him.

What I can do is bid you WELCOME!

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Matthew 11:28-30


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