
16 January 2016

Core Values

Core Values:

In the corporate world today there’s the buzz about “Core Values.” You know, the stuff that they want the public to believe about them: integrity, family, satisfaction, etc., when in reality most companies are ultimately about profit margins.

In Romans 12:2 Paul wrote, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Unfortunately, many Christian churches today have followed the corporate model in just about every way; a corporate model that is the manifestation of cultural values - not God’s.

A lot of churches treat people like they’re stupid rather than simply in need of solid shepherding. A lot of churches throw out really smooth sounding mission statements and pamphlets talking about “Core Values,” but then nobody asks you your name, nobody says “Hi! I’m so glad to see you again.” It ends up feeling like a lot of churches are PLAYING church rather than being the Bride of Christ.

So today I wanted to talk to you about some timeless “Core Values” that are essential for every Christian church in every culture in every age. What makes the core values of a church rock-solid has nothing to do with the personality of the senior preacher - those often come and go depending on whether or not another church can offer them more money. Foundational core values that are solid - not just for a church, but for all of us who are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26-27) - are only of any redeeming value to the extent that they reflect the character and nature of God Almighty.


The first “Core Value” is authority. Authority is critical because without authority there can be no obedience. God the Father always represents authority in the Bible. Jesus came to earth as a baby born in a animal pen because of the Father’s authority. Authority is critical because without authority there can be no obedience. God put Adam in the garden with a specific ministry - to cultivate her and watch over her (Eve); then God explicitly warned Adam not to eat from that tree (Gen 2:15-17). God’s authority is supreme because God is…  well, God.

Since God isn’t walking around on earth at the moment (but will be back very soon!), we have God’s character and authority revealed to us through the Bible. It is not a cut & paste, keep the parts you like and jettison the parts that don’t really jive with your lifestyle, self-help magazine. It is the authoritative, inspired, inerrant Word of God. Since God’s authority automatically demands obedience since God is… well, God - then we are either compelled as faithful disciples to obey -or- we maintain or rebellious, sinful, antagonistic, and independent hearts.

Since the Church (both universal and local) is the expression of the Bride & Body of Christ, i.e. Immanuel (God with us), and God appoints leaders (Ephesians 4:11-16) to shepherd, teach, and help the Body grow to full maturity in faith and the knowledge of Christ - then God’s authority means that Christians are UNDER the authority of church leadership. Therefore, if you’re just visiting a church as an “attendee” and avoiding becoming a member because you don’t want to serve, volunteer, or be accountable to anyone regarding the use of your time, talents, and treasure - then you are being blatantly disobedient to God’s authority. That doesn’t mean you have to join a church where the leadership is extorting money for their own profit -or- where they give motivational speeches rather than preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ - not at all! But if that’s the case then why are you still in a church like that if the Holy Spirit has convicted you already?


The next “Core Value” is community. Why? Going back to my earlier statement, “Core Values are only of any redeeming value to the extent that they reflect the character and nature of God Almighty.” God is eternally the community of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is community and we (humanity) were made in the image and likeness of God; therefore community is an essential “Core Value” of any Christian church.

Community with God looks like: prayer, Bible study (solo and instructive), worship (group and individual), and membership within a local church (Rom 12:5; 1 Cor 12:25-27; Eph 2:19, 3:6, 4:25, 5:30).

Since community with God looks like membership, and worship within the Body of Christ we also must have COMMUNITY with other Christians. That looks like: corporate prayer, gathering in worship & praise, doing life together in Christian community (what the Bible calls “koinonia”), it looks like growing and cultivating relationships within small groups. That shouldn’t cause you to cringe! Community with other Believers should be fun and enjoyable - it should be something that you crave - not something that causes you to cringe and try to “squeeze in” after you’ve done all the stuff you really want to do.


One of the greatest stories of HOSPITALITY in the Bible often goes unnoticed. In Genesis 18:1-5 Abraham shows us what real hospitality looks like. Read yesterdays blog (Welcome!) if you want more on that.

When you think about the character of God - HOSPITALITY should be something that jumps out at you. When you consider the fact that humanity sinned out of disobedience and rebellion against the authority of God Almighty, and that we were warned that the consequence of disobedience would be death… God owes us nothing. Yet Jesus came and went to the Cross for us. That’s the epitome of loving, altruistic, compassionate HOSPITALITY. Jesus came to be the way home for us.

Because of that we - as the Bride & Body of Christ - are compelled to demonstrate and adorn the hospitality of God both to other Believers (inside the church) - AND - to people who are lost and stuck in sin. If you think that God redeemed you because of your worthiness, awesomeness, merit, or deservedness… then you are the most deceived of the lost. Read Ephesians 2:8-9 and see what that does for your sense of deservedness. When you realize that the only reason - the only way - you were saved and came into the eternal family of God is because someone shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with you - then you feel compelled to do the same with your life. When you realize that God’s character of loving hospitality is only manifest through the Church - then it changes your view on membership, service, volunteering, and level of commitment.

Within the Body of Christ HOSPITALITY looks like: greeting, welcoming, looking out for visitors to make them feel welcome and helping them, discipleship/mentoring, serving, pastoral care, and counseling.

Outside the Body of Christ HOSPITALITY looks like: local and global mission, evangelism, community service, and benevolence.

I’m not saying these are the only three “Core Values,” and I’m not saying that this is an exhaustive presentation of these three core values, but these three are essential to every local church because they intrinsic to the eternal heart and character of God.

If you’re not intimately involved as a member of a church where AUTHORITY, COMMUNITY, and HOSPITALITY are foundational and lived out through action in your own life - and in the life of that church - then I would encourage you to get together with God to both pray and listen for that gentle zephyr wind.

If it seems impossible because of the country you live in, your childhood, your situation, your circumstances…  then that’s exactly the platform God loves - because when He rescues and redeems you’ll forever know it was God.


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