
01 January 2016

A New Ending

A New... Ending?

Today a new year begins, and with it comes a sense of new beginnings. But before you go charging off into 2016 with that renewed vigor - let’s take a second to look back at the years that have flown by… Now ask yourself if a “New Beginning” is what you really need?

Maybe instead of a “New Beginning” what you really need is a clear goal, a new ending! The book of Ecclesiastes speaks to the wisdom of this in stating, “The end of a matter is better than its beginning.”

The reason why so many people’s New Year’s resolutions fizzle out into oblivion - often times before they’ve even gotten started - is because we rush into the new year without any viable goal or objective. The reason why so many people’s lives drift off into oblivion is because we’re all so busy with our needs, our goals, our dreams, and our selfish desires.

If you want 2016 to be a great year, then take some time to pray about what God wants your life to look like in December 2016… and what God wants the story and sum of your life to look like when the time He’s given you on earth comes to a close.

When you start with the end in mind and realize that “the end of a matter is better than its beginning,” then it changes everything.

For Christians this means:

1) Getting into deep, rich, constant communication with God through prayer, studying and reflecting upon Scripture, and being an integral part of the Bride of Christ - the local church.

2) Participating in the mission of God, i.e. bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

3) Confidently and faithfully persevering through the struggles, afflictions, and persecution you are certain to endure for identifying with Christ and actively participating in the mission of God.

Remember Jesus’ parable of the bags of gold in Matthew 25? The master entrusted three of his servants with bags of gold “each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.” When the master returned the servants given the most gold had put their master’s money “to work” and gained they doubled the amount given. To both of these men the master said, “Well done, good and faithful servant!”

Contrastingly, one servant was given just one bag of gold, which he hid out of fear (just like Adam & Eve). To this his master said, “Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

As Christians we begin with the end in mind because we know “the end of a matter is better than its beginning.” God has given you much “gold” to be thankful for - but more importantly He's given it to you to INVEST! The question is - What are you doing with it to earn interest for Him? What are you doing to expand His kingdom, to reach the Lost, to make much of the name of Christ?

Think back to the day you were saved...  to the day you were baptized… to the day you renewed your commitment to Christ…  that was the beginning of the matter...

When the Master returns will the end of the matter be better? That’s up to you.


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