Snake in The Grass:
What a person does in solitude and darkness is the most true and accurate reflection of their heart. The divergence between that reality and who we are before others is our only measure.
Hypocrites are universally despised in every tribe and culture without exception; but the greatest abomination is the religious hypocrite. The religious hypocrite is the most heinous scoundrel of humanity.
In Matthew 23 Jesus announces his contempt for the “scribes and Pharisees” for their hypocrisy SEVEN TIMES (v.13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, and 29). These self-appointed religious leaders had grossly twisted and dubiously perverted God’s blessing upon the nation of Israel as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Ex 19:5-6). That divine blessing was for the purpose of inviting and welcoming in ALL the peoples, tribes, and families of the earth into God’s family (Gen 12:3).
Jesus rebukes the “scribes and Pharisees” for taking something God intended as a blessing and having corrupted it beyond recognition into a religious system by:
Making it unattractive and unattainable (v.13)
Using God for personal profit and praise (v.14)
Leading people astray into idolatry (v.15)
Missing the WHOLE point (v.23)
Appearing to be spotless, but being corrupt (v.27)
Being hypocrites through-and-through (v.25)
and committing greater atrocities than your ancestors (v.29)
and committing greater atrocities than your ancestors (v.29)
Because of this corruption, in v.33 Jesus called them “Snakes! Brood of vipers!” This is not some random metaphorical reference by Jesus regarding their genus or phylum, but to their KINGDOM - as those who have intimately identified themselves with the will and goal of the original serpent - Satan.
The original serpent is referred to as “slick” in Genesis 3:1. The Hebrew word, aw-room, is not a complimentary term; instead it is equivalent to the modern day unscrupulous salesperson who is ready and willing to say/do anything to “make the sale.”
In Genesis 3:15 God cursed the original serpent saying:
I will put hostility between you and the woman,
and between YOUR SEED and her seed.
He will strike your head,
and you will strike his heel.
Jesus is therefore identifying these religious leaders, these HYPOCRITES, as the children of the original slick and unscrupulous salesman - our enemy: the Devil, Satan, Lucifer. Jesus is also simultaneously fulfilling God’s prophetic promise of victory (Gen 3:15) over Satan, his “slick” seed, children, offspring - and his entire kingdom of darkness and deception.
Jesus wasn’t just condemning the “scribes and Pharisees,” but all those in every age who use religion for their personal gain through fear and control.
If you are under the oppressive and exhausting rule of a religious system or a “slick” religious salesperson (spouse, parent, priest, pastor, teacher, preacher, bishop, etc.) who is holding you hostage through spiritual blackmail and extortion - then today is the day that you find FREEDOM in Jesus Christ!
Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is not intended exclusively as a future promise to be attained in heaven - this is the CURRENT REALITY for all who are born again by the Holy Spirit, the true children of God, and members of the Bride of Christ!
Religious hypocrites truly are snakes-in-the-grass and the brood (offspring) of vipers! They rule through fear and control for personal profit and praise, but they are easily exposed in the light and truth of Christ. They have already been defeated at the Cross of Christ and the empty tomb of our Champion - Jesus. Once exposed, the religious hypocrite - like the unscrupulous snake oil salesmen - has no recourse but to pack up and move along.
You, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are the victorious children and co-heirs of King Jesus. The shackles of slavery and prison bars of fear are NOT your lot in life - and shall never be again!
Who we are in the light must always herald the confident expectation we have in the God of our prayers, which we lift up in solitude. Then we are no longer the hypocrites and brood of vipers, but instead truly become children of God.
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