
27 December 2015

Oswald's Mentorship

Oswald’s Mentorship:

Another year comes to an end and I’m coming to the close of another reading through Oswald Chambers’ daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest. This morning as I was reflecting on today’s devotional my thoughts were on how much an impact this little devotional book has had on my walk with Christ and my maturing as a follower, i.e. a disciple of Jesus.

I’ve worn out my devotional book over the years and the cover has long since been detached from the contents. The book is loosely held together by a rubber band. This morning as the book came apart upon opening it, for the first time I noticed the words on the inside cover:

“No book except the Bible has influenced my walk with Christ at such deep and maturing levels.”
Richard C. Halverson
Former Chaplain, United States Senate

I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Halverson. Therefore, with 2016 fast approaching I'd like to encourage you to pick up a copy of Oswald’s devotional and dedicate 15-20 minutes first thing every morning to first reading the Scripture passage - and then reading Oswald’s reflections. Your walk with Christ will be challenged, tempered, refined, and blessed in doing so.

I’m not suggesting Oswald as a replacement to reading your Bible, but rather as a supplement to it. Oswald’s insights are like having a wise old mentor walking with you - one who is impervious to your excuses and is also unrelenting in his encouragement.

Blessings in ‘16

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