
31 December 2015


Stress & Worry:

Some time ago I heard part of a sermon by Rick Warren about how a Christian can “truly know” if one is friend of God. Pastor Warren explored Matthew 6:25-34 with emphasis on vv.25-26, “This is why I tell you: Don’t worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will wear. Isn’t life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the sky: They don’t sow or reap or gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren’t you worth more than they?”

Pastor Warren’s point is that those who truly are the friends of God have no issues with stress, worry, and anxiety because they know that God’s got this - whatever “this” may be.

Going all the way back to the Garden of Eden, which is the way God intended things to be - AND - how things will be again, we find no religious system, no sacrifices, no rituals, no “order of worship,” etc. What we find is a man and a woman happy, healthy, stress-free, carefree, joyful, and ALIVE because they were friends with Yahweh Elohim - the LORD God.

It was only when we, humanity, decided to exercise selfish independence regarding decision making that stuff went sideways - things got jacked up - that “LIFE” became twisted, mangled, mutilated beyond all recognition, and wholly ruined… because, just as God had warned, “for on the day you eat from it you will certainly die” (Gen 2:17).

We’ve conveniently redefined “life” as having a pulse and/or brain activity, but our Creator’s definition (the only one that matters) was never so foolish, boorish, or absurd. Prior to humanity’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, in fact prior to the foundation of the world, God had already determined to provide a way for humanity’s return to His Presence - to LIFE. God Himself would enter the chaotic darkness that we caused; then He would suffer and die at our violent and wicked hands in order to pay our penalty and make the homecoming possible.

God’s “curse” upon the man in Genesis 3:19 was actually a gracious blessing. When God said, “By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread until you return to the ground…” what God was saying is that we would recognize the profound reality of our death sentence, i.e. separation from God, through the anxiety, stress, and worry of life - i.e. the “sweat of your brow.” This expression does not mean the literal sweat that comes from intense physical labor, which is a good, necessary, and wonderful thing; It means that the status of our relationship with God can be instantly and intimately revealed by our attitude regarding the circumstances of life.

Are you freaked out, worried, stressed, anxious, afflicted, or burdened by life? If so, then what you’re doing is demonstrating the exact opposite of faith.

You’re either in that condition of panic because you chose to make plans and decisions without ever TRULY consulting God in quiet and patient prayer and now want God to swoop in and rescue you - OR - you did consult God and have now reneged, withdrawn, and lost your faith in “the valley of the shadow of death.” That’s not me passing judgment on you - that’s me speaking from a wealth of experience because I’ve been in both places many times.

There are a couple of passages of Scripture that God has used to teach me about unshakable faith, which I’d like to share with you. The first is from the book of Job. Throughout the book of Job - he, Job, is clueless regarding the stuff going on “behind the scenes,” i.e. Satan’s desire to get Job to blaspheme God and call the LORD’s righteousness and justice into question. Toward the end of the book Job is struggling and begins to question God’s practices, motives and justice… then Job gets his wish when God thunderously appears and unrelentingly heralds His majesty and power for the next four chapters! At the end of God’s discourse Job, overcome with God’s awe and wonder, simply says in 42:2:

“I know that you can do anything. No purpose of yours can be thwarted.”

Job went from a position of hubris and fear, flirting with doubt and mutiny of faith - to a position of unshakable faith and absolute certainty in saying, “I know that you can do anything.”

The other passage of Scripture comes from Proverbs 21:30:

“There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the LORD.”

There comes a point in our lives when we can either recognize that God truly is Sovereign over ALL THINGS - or - we can play the pathetic Christian religion game of showing up to church, singing songs, even being moved to tears on occasion, and feeling guilty for not “trying harder” or “being better,” but then never truly surrendering everything.

I’m sharing with you from the plethora of failures I’ve experienced regarding my faith in God - not from my pristine faith record. But I can tell you that when we do surrender, wait patiently, trust in God’s faithfulness and sovereignty, believe in His love with “reckless” abandon, and LIVE wholly on the promise that He CAN DO ANYTHING and believe in the depths of our hearts that there truly is no wisdom, insight, or plan that can succeed against the LORD…  that’s when God does the most amazing, miraculous, and beautiful things in, with, and through our lives.

Let’s make 2016 a year where, come what may, we DELIBERATELY choose to trust that God can, and will, do the miraculous in, with and through our lives - not for our sake, but for the sake of His name, His glory, His renown, and His mission: To bring our family members, friends, and neighbors, i.e. the dead and deceived of humanity, from the kingdom of darkness into His kingdom of light and experience eternal life through the gospel of Jesus Christ!

When stress and worry come this year may your prayer simply be one of confident trust, “LORD, I know that you can do anything.”

Blessings in 2016!

30 December 2015

Detestable Prayers

Detestable Prayers:

Our cultural notion of prayer - and the whole of Christian life - today is a reflection of our malignant attitude of entitlement. I recently read a comment by James Harrison (NFL player for the Pittsburgh Steelers) about him taking “participation trophies” from his kids. Harrison said, “I’m not about to raise two boys to be men by making them believe that they are entitled to something just because they tried their best…”

When we approach God apart from any sense of biblical awareness, void of any humility, bereft of any sense of fear or worship… then our attitude is one of privilege and prerogative - just like kids who believe they are “entitled to something just because they tried their best.”

God’s standard is, was, and will always be 100% holy perfection - without exception. That is why humanity is utterly, thoroughly, and unconditionally ruined apart from Jesus Christ. We do not need a “great moral teacher” or a “divine example” to follow; what we need is a new and perfect King to sit on the throne of a new heart; a heart that loves and serves God not self. It is ONLY through the perfect righteousness of Jesus, the unique God-Man, that we are turned from despised, depraved, egotistical sinner into the welcomed children of God.

Many pastors and preachers today serve up warm-fuzzy feel good messages for the masses; messages shorn and stripped of any truth regarding human depravity, the necessity of perfect or eternal payment for rebellion, or the power of God to reveal, rescue, and redeem. Even this pathetic and cosmetic teaching was foretold in Scripture:

“For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.”
-2 Timothy 4:3

For those who believe they can dabble in religion whilst their hearts are more deeply concerned with their children, career goals, health, appearance, or home and garden… For those who have uttered promises to God in the past regarding what they would do if only God would listen and answer - only later to write off answered prayer as coincidence or unbinding due to ‘emotional duress’... For those who know that God’s Word (i.e. the Bible) says ______________ on a particular matter (adultery, premarital sex, tithing, parenting, etc.), but have rationalized it away saying, “I know, but MY situation is complicated and different…”  Know that there is no rest or peace for you while you choose to abide in unresolved sin and willfully reject God’s sovereign authority in EVERY area of your life.

God is not a God of religious convenience or well-mannered pleasantries. He is Sovereign and will have all of you - or none.

The truth is never “complicated.” It demands simple obedience that only comes from the power of absolute faith in God. Until you repent, confess, and surrender you are merely seeking a blessing from God that will thankfully and mercifully never come. God would not be a God of love if He allowed us to continue on a path of sin that would lead to our eventual and eternal undoing.

The glorious reality check and wake-up call for people comes from God’s Word regarding the condition of our heart when approaching God in prayer:

“We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.”
-John 9:31

“If anyone turns a deaf ear to the law, even his prayers are detestable.”
-Proverbs 28:9

“The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous.”
-Proverbs 15:29

The truth is revealed to us in God’s Word through reading, preaching, and teaching. As Oswald Chambers notes, “You can never be the same after the unveiling of a truth. That moment marks you for going on as a more true disciple of Jesus Christ or for going back as a deserter.”

The next time you determine to approach God in prayer be sure to do so in a spirit of humility and worship. Spend time reflecting upon who He is and what He has done - then PRAISE Him for those things before you utter a request or petition. Some of the best examples come from the book of Psalms:

"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
-Psalm 46:10

If the mountains of life are staying put then consider the sincerity and veracity of your prayers in light of 1 John 5:14-15. Are you merely seeking a “participation trophy” for trying your best - OR - have you surrendered your entire life, heart, and will to our Great Redeemer - Jesus Christ? Is it that your prayers are truly for HIS WILL to be done in and through your life - OR - are you merely lofting up foolhardy prayers for God’s deliverance from the consequences and circumstances of juvenile behaviors and selfish choices apart from genuine repentance?

Are your prayers pleasing or detestable to God? Is your life?


29 December 2015

Your Power

Your Power:

Every New Year brings with it the ominous task of forging a New Year’s Resolution. Then, just as quickly as the new year had begun, we flounder and relent concerning our declaration of renewed vigor and steadfastness. Readily, seemingly effortlessly, part-cheerfully & part-ashamedly - we resume our former course with only the occasional reflection upon what might have been if we’d "only had the resolve and fortitude" to persevere in that particular thing... If only.

This year my prayer and hope for you is that you make no such cockamamie resolution. Rather than endeavouring upon a hopeless mission of futility... Instead of embarking upon a journey doomed to ruin and tragic disappointment - this year will not be a year of resolution, but INSTEAD one of resignation, renunciation, relinquishment, acquiescence, and surrender. Not simply to some nebulous “higher power,” but to Jesus - our God, our King, and our Savior.

There are only two paths your life can take. There is the path that you choose for yourself, and there is the path that God chooses for you.

No matter how many Bibles you own or how many church services you’ve attended... No matter how many causes you’ve contributed to or mission trips you’ve been on... No matter how many hours you've spent or spend in prayer or reading devotionals... If YOU are still the one planning and plotting the course of your life - and not God, then you are lost and deceived. As Proverbs 14:12 reads, “There is a way that seems right to a person, but in the end it leads to death.”

The path/course that God chooses for you was never FULLY revealed to you. God may have given you a glimpse of the nature of your calling: medical, teaching, parenting, carpentry, pastoring, business, etc., but this was your field of ministry - NOT your path. God’s path is revealed to us in bits and pieces. That is why He calls it our “daily bread,” and “a lamp for my feet.”

In Psalm 31:15 the Psalmist sings, “The course of my life is in Your power...” What joyful surrender and assurance of abandonment!

Rather than embarking upon another fleeting and failed New Year’s Resolution, let this year be a year of REAL POWER - the true power and authority of Christ’s reign upon the throne of your heart and life.

This year may your daily and ongoing prayer be that of the joy, assurance, surrender, and recognition of the Psalmist:

“The course of my life is in Your power.”

Blessings in 2016,

28 December 2015

Snake in The Grass

Snake in The Grass:

What a person does in solitude and darkness is the most true and accurate reflection of their heart. The divergence between that reality and who we are before others is our only measure.

Hypocrites are universally despised in every tribe and culture without exception; but the greatest abomination is the religious hypocrite. The religious hypocrite is the most heinous scoundrel of humanity.

In Matthew 23 Jesus announces his contempt for the “scribes and Pharisees” for their hypocrisy SEVEN TIMES (v.13, 14, 15, 23, 25, 27, and 29). These self-appointed religious leaders had grossly twisted and dubiously perverted God’s blessing upon the nation of Israel as a “kingdom of priests and a holy nation” (Ex 19:5-6). That divine blessing was for the purpose of inviting and welcoming in ALL the peoples, tribes, and families of the earth into God’s family (Gen 12:3).

Jesus rebukes the “scribes and Pharisees” for taking something God intended as a blessing and having corrupted it beyond recognition into a religious system by:

Making it unattractive and unattainable (v.13)

Using God for personal profit and praise (v.14)

Leading people astray into idolatry (v.15)

Missing the WHOLE point (v.23)

Appearing to be spotless, but being corrupt (v.27)

Being hypocrites through-and-through (v.25)

and committing greater atrocities than your ancestors (v.29)

Because of this corruption, in v.33 Jesus called them “Snakes! Brood of vipers!” This is not some random metaphorical reference by Jesus regarding their genus or phylum, but to their KINGDOM - as those who have intimately identified themselves with the will and goal of the original serpent - Satan.

The original serpent is referred to as “slick” in Genesis 3:1. The Hebrew word, aw-room, is not a complimentary term; instead it is equivalent to the modern day unscrupulous salesperson who is ready and willing to say/do anything to “make the sale.”

In Genesis 3:15 God cursed the original serpent saying:

I will put hostility between you and the woman,
and between YOUR SEED and her seed.
He will strike your head,
and you will strike his heel.

Jesus is therefore identifying these religious leaders, these HYPOCRITES, as the children of the original slick and unscrupulous salesman - our enemy: the Devil, Satan, Lucifer. Jesus is also simultaneously fulfilling God’s prophetic promise of victory (Gen 3:15) over Satan, his “slick” seed, children, offspring - and his entire kingdom of darkness and deception.

Jesus wasn’t just condemning the “scribes and Pharisees,” but all those in every age who use religion for their personal gain through fear and control.

If you are under the oppressive and exhausting rule of a religious system or a “slick” religious salesperson (spouse, parent, priest, pastor, teacher, preacher, bishop, etc.) who is holding you hostage through spiritual blackmail and extortion - then today is the day that you find FREEDOM in Jesus Christ!

Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” This is not intended exclusively as a future promise to be attained in heaven - this is the CURRENT REALITY for all who are born again by the Holy Spirit, the true children of God, and members of the Bride of Christ!

Religious hypocrites truly are snakes-in-the-grass and the brood (offspring) of vipers! They rule through fear and control for personal profit and praise, but they are easily exposed in the light and truth of Christ. They have already been defeated at the Cross of Christ and the empty tomb of our Champion - Jesus. Once exposed, the religious hypocrite - like the unscrupulous snake oil salesmen - has no recourse but to pack up and move along.

You, my brothers and sisters in Christ, are the victorious children and co-heirs of King Jesus. The shackles of slavery and prison bars of fear are NOT your lot in life - and shall never be again!

Who we are in the light must always herald the confident expectation we have in the God of our prayers, which we lift up in solitude. Then we are no longer the hypocrites and brood of vipers, but instead truly become children of God.


27 December 2015

Oswald's Mentorship

Oswald’s Mentorship:

Another year comes to an end and I’m coming to the close of another reading through Oswald Chambers’ daily devotional, My Utmost for His Highest. This morning as I was reflecting on today’s devotional my thoughts were on how much an impact this little devotional book has had on my walk with Christ and my maturing as a follower, i.e. a disciple of Jesus.

I’ve worn out my devotional book over the years and the cover has long since been detached from the contents. The book is loosely held together by a rubber band. This morning as the book came apart upon opening it, for the first time I noticed the words on the inside cover:

“No book except the Bible has influenced my walk with Christ at such deep and maturing levels.”
Richard C. Halverson
Former Chaplain, United States Senate

I wholeheartedly agree with Mr. Halverson. Therefore, with 2016 fast approaching I'd like to encourage you to pick up a copy of Oswald’s devotional and dedicate 15-20 minutes first thing every morning to first reading the Scripture passage - and then reading Oswald’s reflections. Your walk with Christ will be challenged, tempered, refined, and blessed in doing so.

I’m not suggesting Oswald as a replacement to reading your Bible, but rather as a supplement to it. Oswald’s insights are like having a wise old mentor walking with you - one who is impervious to your excuses and is also unrelenting in his encouragement.

Blessings in ‘16

26 December 2015

Love and Prayer

Love & Prayer:

Much has been made of the exponential removal of the Ten Commandments from public buildings across the United States over the past 20+ years. While it is certainly a sign of the times, i.e. postmodernity, secular humanism, egocentrism, new atheism, etc., the Ten Commandments were never intended to be reduced to historical décor. They were certainly never intended as a cure for universally depraved humanity.

In Galatians 3:24 Paul gives us a very concise statement on the purpose of the Law, “Therefore the law was our guardian (παιδαγωγός) until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. The word “παιδαγωγός” is often translated as guardian, tutor, schoolmaster, or trainer. It was a technical term used for the person in charge of training a young man in manners, morals, and the foundational ‘stuff’ of life. The παιδαγωγός was never intended to walk around with a young man indefinitely. At some point a boy must transition to manhood; similarly, at some point a culture must transition from plaques, signs, bumper stickers, and superficial ‘churchy’ Sunday gatherings to authentic faith - or implode.

The testimony of a Christian culture is whether people have truly been ‘born again’ by the Spirit of God, thus making individuals into new creations in Christ and members of His Bride - the Church. The authentic Christian is not rattled by the removal of external signs and symbols, rather we are concerned with the eternal destination of those who are motivated to perform such actions. Our goal is not to defend God’s honor amidst a depraved heathen culture since God’s character is eternally immaculate and above reproach. Instead, our goal is to obey the King. In Matthew 5:44 Jesus said, “But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.”

Jesus commissioned his disciples to go to all nations, baptize in the Name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, and teaching folks to obey everything He commanded (Matt 28:19-20). Jesus never wasted time demonstrating, picketing, protesting, or lobbying to gain human support. Instead, Jesus did the ONLY thing with infinite power, eternal influence, and omnipresence - He prayed. After having prayed - He obeyed. Why then do countless Christians waste time, energy, money, and effort doing things Jesus neither did nor commanded rather than simply following His example and obeying His commission? Why do we fail to pray and obey?

If you want your time, talent, and treasure to count for the Kingdom of God then don’t follow the pattern of the world,which wastes time with social media campaigns, lobbying, and catchy slogans. Instead, do what Scripture teaches - “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Pray that you would become so intimately identified with the community of God (Father, Son, and Spirit) that His goal becomes your goal, that His obedience becomes your obedience, and that His power becomes your power.

When that happens there is no more need for stone tablets, the παιδαγωγός, because as the Bible tells us, “I will put my instructions deep within them, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

God doesn’t need you to defend Him. He doesn’t -NEED- anything from us. What He invites us into is a privileged relationship whereby we can choose to participate in His mission of bringing the Good News of the Savior, Jesus Christ, to the ends of the earth. God gives us the only two things we need:

1) His Presence, which allows us to love as God loves, and

2) His Ears, which brings our prayers into His heart

Love and prayer. That’s exactly what Jesus used to change the destiny of humanity forever.


23 December 2015

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!

Christmas: from two words:

1) Christ: which is the Greek (Christos) version of the Hebrew word Messiah, which means Anointed One or King.

2) Masse: which is from the Old English Maesse, which means Mass or Communion.

Christmas is the time we celebrate King Jesus' communion (common union) with humanity.

The Sovereign King and Creator of the Universe stepped down from heaven in the flesh and "pitched his tent among us" (John 1:14) to bring us back from independence and brokenness into common union, i.e. right relationship, with the source of life and light - Himself.

This Christmas my prayer and hope is that you celebrate the incarnation of King Jesus and find light and life in communion with Him.

The thrill of hope
a weary world rejoices
for yonder breaks
a new and GLORIOUS morn'

Merry Christmas!

22 December 2015

Savior Unimpressed

Savior Unimpressed:

photo credit to
Our culture’s attitude toward Christmas has become that of superficial experience. Our neighborhoods are now riddled with Christmas decorations that range from Minions to Toy Story characters. Apparently Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are in short supply due to waning demand. Yet, come Christmas Eve sanctuaries and worship centers across America will be packed to overflowing with “semi-annual worshipers” who come for the sake of tradition and/or experience. Tragically, few ever get any closer to an authentic relationship with Immanuel, God with us.

Part of the tragedy is that many church leaders simply cater to the Lost Sheep with flowery sermons rather than challenging ones, with popular secular songs and goofy skits rather than rich hymns of praise or powerful teaching, and sadly accept - even praise - this trend of hollow and pointless attendance as commendable for having made an effort saying, “Well, at least they came.” Is coming the point? Is being 'touched' by a sermon the goal - or is it transformation via regeneration by grace through faith?

Contrastingly, Jesus never commended, lauded, or praised anyone for their superficial personal efforts at feigning authentic worship or discipleship. In fact He did quite the contrary.

In Luke 9:57 we read, “a man said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’” Jesus was clearly unimpressed and the man was easily discouraged. This was not limited to a few random individuals.

In John 2 Jesus had DROVES of people ready to crown Him as king! In 2:23-25 we read “many trusted in His name when they saw the signs He was doing.” This was the perfect opportunity for Jesus to pass out “Jesus for Class President” T-shirts and launch His political campaign juggernaut. Instead we read, “Jesus, however, would not entrust Himself to them, since He knew them all… and because… (He) knew what was in the human race.”

Similarly in John 6 we read about Jesus feeding a crowd of about 5,000 men (v.10). After Jesus fed them they were convinced that He was “the Prophet who was to come into the world!” This was a fine opportunity for Jesus to welcome them with warm-fuzzies for their attendance and recognition, but instead Jesus knew exactly what it would take to repel them - the simple truth.

These people wanted a political/military leader who would organize the Israelites against Rome and lead them to a crushing military defeat of the occupying Roman army. These people were looking for another King Saul - someone who “looked the part” and who would make them a powerful nation. But they were NOT looking to surrender their sinful hearts and personal independence to the authority of Jesus, the Almighty Sovereign of the universe.

Jesus probed their hearts and stated, “Anyone who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life…” So in John 6:66 we read, “From that moment many of His disciples turned back and no longer accompanied Him.”

DROVES of people were, and still are, looking for a puppet king, a straw man, a token leader - and Jesus, God, will have none of it! You will either come to Him on your repentant face with heart & life fully surrendered - or He will turn you away. Jesus is no token king, paper ruler, or puppet deity.

Will Christmas be different for you this year? Will you round up the family and scurry off to “church” to soak up another personal experience to put in the scrapbook of a life that is eroding, decaying, and blissfully drifting into the fires of eternal torment? Will the LORDship of Jesus conveniently fit in somewhere between the eggnog and Dollar Store stocking stuffers -OR- will this year be different? Will you approach God Almighty with less conviction and enduring interest than your career, your lawn, or your next Starbucks order?

I pray that you find no hollow words of “comfort and joy” from a superficial homily or sermon this year, but rather that the Spirit of God penetrates your heart of stone and confronts you with the reality of Jesus’ essential incarnation for YOUR redemption - for YOUR rebellion - as payment for YOUR sin - as His perfect sacrifice in YOUR place.

Jesus tells us in Matthew 10:34, “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” He came to cut out the cancer of humanity - the sinfulness of personal autonomy and independence from God.

So if you decide to attend a Christmas worship service this year - know that Jesus is not impressed with a superficial attitude of reverence that feebly and crudely veils the wretchedness of selfish experience or motivation. Jesus is God and never entrusted Himself to humanity for our synthetic religious ceremonies because He knows what is in us - SIN. There will be no buttons given out at the ‘pearly gates’ for attendance.

It’s true that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and that the wages of sin is death. Thankfully, the Father draws us, the Son saves us, and the Holy Spirit seals us until “that day.”

If your motivation for attending a Christmas service this year is to praise, worship, and serve our LORD who has gifted us with faith through amazing grace… then you truly understand the magnitude of His incarnation, and thus the meaning of Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

21 December 2015

Glory Days

Glory Days:

Bruce Springsteen, aka “The Boss,” hit #5 on the Billboard charts back in ‘85 (yes I’m that old) with his song “Glory Days.” In each of the first three verses the story talk about a person from the singer’s past who reflects back on how good things once were.

The first is the high school ball player who remembers his “Glory Days” as the team’s ace pitcher; now he is a washed up drunk perpetually hanging out at the local bar.

The second is the high school stunner who “could turn all the boys heads;” she’s now divorced and realizes her flower has faded and fallen. She and the singer sit together at the bar thinking back to the “Glory Days” long since passed.

The third is the old factory worker who was let go from his job of 20 years. Now the singer says he knows what’s on the old man’s mind as he just sits and drinks at the bar… “Glory Days.”

In the fourth, and final, verse the singer is talking about “going down to the well (bar) tonight, and I’m gonna drink ‘til I get my fill…” He hopes to not get drunk, but realizes he “probably will.”

The inherent tragedy of the song is that the singer hopes he doesn’t eventually “fall” into the dire straits these other sad souls have fallen into - people just sitting around.... getting drunk…  holding on to fleeting memories of times long gone… memories that weren’t that wonderful to begin with. Sadly, the singer doesn’t realize he is already there. His life no longer has any purpose or goal other than to fade out and go quietly into that good night reminiscing about “glory days” that never were.

The same is true of many Christians. We live a cracked rear view mirror existence this side of redemption. We often tend to look back at our water baptism and the fiery passion we once had for Christ.  We look back at a mission trip we participated in that brought souls into the kingdom…  we hold onto the fleeting memory of a season of ministry where the leaders of the church backed us like the star ball player on the championship team…

Then the wilderness came…  and like the sad character from Springsteen’s song - we accept it as the final chapter in our story for God.  Crawling up on the bar stool of life week-in and week-out…  fading out…  going quietly, pathetically, pitifully, woefully, feebly into Christian retirement… reminiscing about “Glory Days.”

Sadly, we frequently look back on the season of God’s blessing and “grassy pastures” as the fullness of expectation demanded from God Almighty; and in juvenile fashion castigate our LORD when the REAL season of blessing always comes... in the wilderness journey.

“Glory Days” is the sum of all human philosophy and religions. A human existence gloomily adrift on the barren landscape of a life bereft of any real hope or joy - painfully scratching and clawing at experiences to suck one more drop of placebo effect before the end…

That is NOT NOT NOT our lot as sons and daughters of the Sovereign of the Universe! As the Apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 3:13-14, “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”

Thankfully, there is no retirement for Christians and no need to ever look behind at some synthetically contrived version of life wrongly perceived as “Glory Days.” If you’re still alive then God is either waiting for you to surrender you life to Him, or He still has ministry work for you.

Look ahead toward the real "Glory Days!" - to the prize that is our eternal life with our Savior, God Himself, Jesus Christ! Then do something with your salvation to fulfil His mission until He returns.


Criminal Certainty

Criminal Certainty:

Luke wrote an introduction to his gospel account. In this introduction Luke comments on the reason for this undertaking, “It also seemed good to me, since I have carefully investigated everything from the very first, to write to you in an orderly sequence, most honorable friend of God (theophilus), so that you may know the certainty of the things about which you have been instructed” (1:3-4).

Luke’s goal in writing to the “most honorable friend of God” was so that they would “know the certainty of the things about which you have been instructed.”

All four gospel accounts (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) indicate that Jesus was crucified with two others. Three of the accounts indicate that those two men were criminals. Two gospels indicate they were a specific type of criminal, i.e. marauders:

Matthew 27:38 “Two marauders (λῃσταί) were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left.

Mark 15:27 “They crucified two marauders (λῃστάς) with him, one on his right and one on his left.”

Luke 23:32 “Two other men, both criminals (κακοῦργοι), were also led out with him to be executed.”

John 19:18 “There they crucified him, and with him two others--one on each side and Jesus in the middle.”

Mark’s gospel account notes in 15:32b, “Even those who were crucified with Him were taunting Him,” but in Luke’s gospel we read that one was insulting Jesus while the other rebuked the slanderer saying in 23:40-41, “Don’t you fear God… since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Some have mistakenly taken this as contradictory evidence.

Remember that Luke is writing to the “most excellent friend of God,” not an individual, but a title Luke is giving to those whose approach to the idea, person, and work of Jesus is hospitable and friendly. Luke’s goal at the onset is to provide the “most excellent friend of God” with a certainty regarding the things “about which you have been instructed.”

Luke’s gospel is not intended to merely impart more information, but to provide the “friend of God” with a strong level of certainty about their faith in the person and work of King Jesus, our LORD and Savior.

So how does a criminal’s theology provide you with certainty regarding Jesus as God and Savior?

SIN & PUNISHMENT: Many people today - even those in Christian churches - have a non-biblical idea about sin and punishment. Many do NOT believe in: 1) the absolute corruption of humanity from our conception (Psalm 51:5), 2) our TOTAL inability to remedy that situation apart from divine intervention (Ezekiel 37), and 3) that God’s perfect standard of justice requires perfect payment (in Christ) or eternal punishment (Matt 25:46) for that sin.

Sadly, many people believe that God will forgive all of us and all we have to do is “try to live a good life.” They wrongly believe that “because God is love, He will forgive my sin and welcome me into heaven.” People emphasize the love of God and ignore the reality of His perfect standard of righteousness and His justice.

What did the criminal say in Luke 23:41-42? “We are punished justly, for we are getting what we require. But this man has done nothing wrong… Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”

The criminal was not talking about a just punishment for his marauding, but for his attitude of rebellion and utter rejection of God. That’s what Paul was talking about when he wrote, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23), and “the wages of sin is death” (Rom 6:23).

In a matter of a few hours this marauding criminal went from heaping insults on Jesus with the other criminal - to revering Him as the promised Messiah of God! That recognition is always accompanied with immediate and intimate immersion in identification!

This criminal was indistinguishable from his counterpart only moments before. But there on the Cross he heard Jesus pray for those who were crucifying Him saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”

This ugly, broken, flawed, dysfunctional, deficient, and sin-riddled man was confronted with the reality he had denied and despised his entire life. This sinner who had selfishly sought independence and personal gratification his entire life was indistinguishable from the other criminal, but then he rightly recognized “we are getting what we require.”

The first thing that God does when we encounter Jesus Christ is to graciously confront us with REALITY: Sin & Punishment. We are all wretched selfish criminals from the moment of conception - blindly clinging to hope by the skin of our teeth. We are one blink of an eye from “getting what we require,” i.e. eternal punishment. One criminal was given the gift of faith to see that - and he was instantly convicted, castigated, converted and cleansed!

IDENTIFICATION: In that gracious moment of clarity, which came as a gift from God, one criminal called out to God as Messiah and Savior and said, “Jesus, remember me when You come into Your kingdom!”

Jesus’ response was emphatic, “I assure you! Today you will be with Me in paradise.” Much has been made of what “with me in paradise” means - and we miss Jesus’ emphatic point: “Today you will be with me…”

It matters not what you call the location: paradise, heaven, utopia, nirvana, etc.; what matters is that when that moment of clarity comes and we call out to Jesus - He hears us and assures us that from that moment on we will be forever be with our God and Savior!

We all, like the two marauding criminals, are hanging crucified alongside King Jesus our Savior. We are all sinful from the time of our conception. Along the way we can either hear His words of life and love that graciously awaken our souls to reality - or we can continue in sin and end up “getting what we require.”

Jesus has already asked the Father to forgive you for your sin and He paid the perfect price with His perfect life that the Father’s justice demanded. All that is left for you to do is respond in faith and, like the criminal, ask Jesus to remember you.

The reason for Christmas has always been so that He could emphatically respond, “I assure you! Today you will be with Me in paradise.”

As Luke intended, allow the words of our LORD and Savior, King Jesus, bring you certainty and unshakable assurance in Christ this Christmas season!

Merry Christmas!