
24 November 2015

Take it Off!

Take it OFF!

“You took off your former way of life, the old self that is corrupted by deceitful desires…”
-Eph 4:22

Having been gifted by God with faith later in life (age 35), it’s fairly easy for me to recall the life I lived before Christ.  Several years ago I shared my testimony in front of a large congregation and my opening statement went something like this:

A friend of mine recently said, “If I didn’t believe in God already – having seen the change in Kevin would make me believe.”

There was a girl present who was from a foreign country where Christianity is outlawed.  She came up to me after the service and told me what an encouragement it was to hear my testimony. Then she asked me if she could have my talking notes. She wanted them for her brother because he was the pastor of an underground house church in that country. She wanted him to pass my testimony along to that little congregation that met at night – in secret – knowing full well if they were ever discovered they’d be thrown in jail or possibly executed on the spot.  She said that my testimony would be an encouragement to them…

“Let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes; as you put on the new self, the one created in the likeness of God – truly righteous (good) and holy (set apart).” –Eph 4:23-24

The benefits we receive IN CHRIST only come through our authentic baptism in the Father (will), Son (obedience), and Spirit (presence & power).  This putting on of the new self is not automatic and it is not easy – that’s why we need, and have access to, the same power of God that Jesus had, i.e. the Holy Spirit.

In Luke 9:23 Jesus said, “…if anyone desires to come after me, let them deny themselves and let them take up their cross every day, and then let them follow me.”

Every day we are to come before Jesus and ask Him for a supernatural desire to follow hard after Him. Not simply for the benefits, but because it demonstrates our authentic identification with Him.

Every day we ask Jesus that through the power of the Holy Spirit we can deny the selfishness of our “old self.”

Every day we ask Jesus to intercede for us so that we have strength in the Spirit to take up our cross.

Every day we fix our eyes on Jesus and follow after Him because He alone is the way, the truth, and the life, and nobody come to the Father except through Him.

The redeemed life IN CHRIST not only looks different, but more importantly it is different.  The point is not to merely imitate “Christian” behaviors, but to truly become a new creation free from sin – to become the YOU that God always intended.

If you’re riding the benefits of Christ, but you’re not living out your baptism, then you’ll probably be the first to admit that your beliefs are bogus and your behaviors are busted.  You’ll know deep inside that there’s no distinction between the “new” you and the “old” you. Since you know that, as Jeremiah 17:9-10 tells us, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure…” and that the LORD searches “the heart and depths to test the reigns…” you may have deceived yourself, but God won’t leave it there. He continues to pursue all of His lost sheep – even you, and even now.

You might have deceived yourself, but as Hebrews 4:12 tells us, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit… it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

If there is truly a “new” you, then praise God for the gift of amazing grace!

If there is no real distinction between the “new” and “old” you, don’t lose heart – don’t feel berated or defeated!  Jesus saves!  His grace is available to all who come to Him!

Stop praying for Jesus to clean up your act for you – if you’re not willing to turn and walk daily in intimate identification with God.  The addiction won’t magically go away through prayer.  The foul language won’t clean itself up. The flirting, lusting, infidelity, and sexual immorality isn’t going away – sin will continue to reign in your life unless you take off your old self and put the new one on – every day.

Get up sleeper!
Rise up from the dead!
And the Messiah will shine on you.
-Eph 5:14

Pray to Jesus.
Take off that old self.
Put on the new self.
Follow Jesus,
Repeat at least daily.

Beliefs bereft of bonafide baptism beget bogus beliefs and busted behaviors.

But the Good News is that Jesus died to bring you into the fold of God.  Take Him up on His offer of redemption and eternal life.  Then walk it out until He calls you home.


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