The LORD is good and upright;
Therefore, He teaches sinners the way.
-Psalm 25:8
By all accounts, Eden was a disaster. Within our grasp - the Tree of Life. Instead, we devoured its antithesis; a hollow concoction of lies and perpetual calamity. Within the blink of an eye, our sumptuous abundance of joy, life, and rapturous love - vanished. From paradise, deep into a desolate wasteland, we sojourned. A remote glimmer? A distant rumble? Beyond our dank immutable prison, a brilliant flash of light pierced the darkness! The Tree of Life stands! The Way bathed in perpetual light.
In Psalm 22 David lamented, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” In Psalm 23, David’s confidence soared as he sang, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.” David’s tendencies toward depression and mania frequently hit close to home for those who faithfully follow Christ. As the Gospels reveal, Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.”
During episodes of deep depression, like David, we cry out amid utter desperation and loneliness. Consequently, we feel as though our prayers of lament fall hopelessly into a bottomless void. Similarly, during sporadic downpours of joy, our cups overflow with God’s sweet-goodness and lavish love.
While considered a lament, Psalm 25, strikes a stabilizing balance. It begins, “To you, O LORD, I lift up my soul.” David’s confidence in the LORD is steadfast. He understands the necessity of patience amid turmoil and chaotic circumstances. In v.4 David identifies God as a revealing teacher, to whom David pleads, “Make Your ways known to me, LORD; teach me Your paths.”
Psalm 25 weaves an intricate tapestry of God’s inherent nature. In v.6 David sings, “LORD, remember Your compassion and Your faithful love for they have existed from antiquity.” David’s anthem serves as a personal reminder of God’s eternal compassion and faithfulness.
The way of the LORD is the expression of who God is, has always been, and will forever be. He is Creator, holy, Sovereign, perfect, available, transcendent, mighty, merciful, just, revealed, helpful, trustworthy, involved, compassionate, faithful, eternal, forgiving, reasonable, good, and upright.
Because the LORD is, “good and upright,” David confidently proclaims, “Therefore, He shows sinners the way.” Because of who the LORD is, “He leads the humble in what is right and teaches them His way.” Because of who the LORD is, “All the LORD’s ways reveal faithful love and truth to those who keep His covenant and decrees.” Because of who the LORD is, “He will show him the way he should choose” to those who fear Him.
For prisoners, there is revelation.
For sinners, instruction.
For the humble, illumination.
For the faithful, love and truth.
For those who fear Him, guidance.
Because of the Almighty’s eternal power, glory, might, and authority, Psalm 24 inquired, “Who may ascend the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in His holy place?” With absolute perfection required, e.g. clean hands, pure heart, enduring faithfulness, and flawless integrity, The King of glory alone is qualified to descend for us - and subsequently, ascend with us! The LORD Almighty is indeed Jacob’s Ladder (see Gen 28:12)!
After centuries of anticipation, the King of glory, the Messiah, descended. At the end of His earthly ministry, Thomas asked Jesus this question, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” To this, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me... I am going away and I am coming back to you.”
In Psalm 25, David’s lament was for deliverance. In v.17 he sang, “The distresses of my heart increase; bring me out of my sufferings.” This was no selfish plea. Instead, David earnestly sought, and patiently waited for, the LORD to “redeem Israel from all its adversity.” Israel’s “adversity” was a national legacy of idolatry and rebellion, which ultimately disqualified them as God’s priesthood of Kingdom ambassadors.
The LORD answered David. While not in an immediate personal or national sense, through David, the nation of Israel, and now His faithful disciples, Christ answers and reveals Himself as the Way. He makes His ways known. He constantly reminds us of His compassion and faithful love. He shows sinners the Way. He leads the humble and teaches them His Way. He reveals Himself through faithful love and truth. He considers our affliction and troubles. He takes away our sins.
In waiting for Him, He is our deliverer, our salvation, and refuge. He is The Way back to the Tree of Life. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father but through Him.
Lookup Strong’s 1870. What does that word mean? What modern name today is derived from that Hebrew word?
What does the drastic swing of David’s mood in the Psalms tell you about 1) How normal it is? 2) How difficult life as a Christian can be? 3) How God’s love remains steadfast regardless of our mood swings?
In v.8 David tells us that God shows sinners the way. What does he mean by that?
While the gift of faith is available to everyone, evidence of faith is manifest in how we live. What are some of those attributes found in Psalm 25: v.3, v.4, v.9, v.10, v.12, v.14, v.20, v.21, v.22?
Read Genesis 3:24; 4:16. In which direction is humanity banished from Eden? North, South, East, or West?
Read Revelation 16:12. Why does the sixth angel pour out his vial? To prepare what? Considering the question above about humanity’s expulsion from Eden, who are the “kings of the east?”
Since the Bible is one unified story, why is it significant to see “the Way” throughout from Genesis, Psalms, Gospels, to Revelation?
Who is the Way? What/Who does He make known to sinners?
Psalm 25:22 reveals David’s lament is for his family, friends, nation, and the ongoing mission of God. How is Jesus revealing Himself as “The Way” in and through your life to others?
-Kevin M. Kelley
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