
06 April 2017


Furious Storms:

In Matthew's gospel, we read about a couple of crazy boat rides. In 8:23 Jesus got in the boat and we read, “…and his disciples followed him.” There was no prompting by Jesus, no command, just a desire to be where Jesus was.

Then “a furious storm came up on the lake,” and the lot of them panicked while Jesus was sleeping in the boat with them. Jesus woke up eventually, and He told the storm to knock it off. It had no choice but to obey.

I’m not really sure why that’s so hard to imagine for some people – that the Almighty Sovereign Creator of the universe would say, “Shhhh!” and His creation would respond in obedience. The disciples who willingly climbed into the boat saw Jesus do something miraculous - and they were astonished. Why?

Just a few short chapters later in 14:23 we read that Jesus “encouraged the disciples to get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd.” Jesus wasn’t in the boat when the storm came up this time. The Disciples were out there all night straining at the oars while Jesus was praying.  Eventually, Jesus came. After rescuing Peter, and hauling him into the boat, we read in 14:32, “the wind died down.” No command from Jesus – it just happened.

Lots of people follow Jesus because it's culturally convenient, it seems like a good idea or the right thing to do. But when the furious storm comes – and it always comes – we freak out because we don’t know the Guy whom we crawled into the boat with. Just like the Disciples, we fail to realize that everything is just dandy in His presence.

Lots of people do the stuff Jesus encourages them to do, but they still don’t know the person behind the encouragement. Again, when the furious storm comes – and it always comes – they strain at the oars and try to prove their faith or by jumping into the water and all kinds of other goofy stuff. As it turns out, we don't have to prove anything. All we need - all we ever needed - is His presence.

Life is full of boats of opportunities and ensuing storms.  Sometimes we climb in our own boat, and as Fleetwood Mac sang, "You can go your own way." That's what Jonah did. Sometimes we climb in His because Jesus asked us to. The key: How do we respond when the imminent furious storm follows? Jesus gave the answer in Matthew 6:25, "Don't worry about your life..."

It’s not about sinking in or walking on it. It’s not about the boat or the water or the furious storm or even about getting to the other side. It's about being with Him - period.

The only thing that really matters is whether or not you’re in His presence.

That’s why Jesus says to His friends, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end.”

-Kevin M. Kelley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your writing is as powerful as the storms and as calming as the truths they convey.