
10 April 2017



Ever wonder why the symbol for Mark's gospel is a lion with wings?

The gospel of Mark, who was also known as John Mark, opens with: “This is the Good News about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. It began as the prophet Isaiah had written...”

Throughout his gospel, Mark vividly demonstrates the undeniable connection and fulfillment of Isaiah’s “gospel,” which eagerly anticipated God’s promised serpent crushing, Shiloh of inherent authority, and King of Heaven who would come to serve and save humanity - not just the Jews (Isa 49:6).

Our Messiah (Christ/King) would do this personally by coming and graciously opening our sin-blinded eyes, exchanging our blackened hearts for faithful ones, freeing us from bondage in sin’s prison, and releasing us from that eternal dungeon and darkness of separation from our Creator - all at no cost to us.

Our King would serve perfectly by suffering - even unto a death - being PIERCED, CRUSHED, PUNISHED, and eventually DYING at the Cross in our place (Isa 53:5).

Therefore, the Cross of Calvary is profoundly and eternally significant. But apart from the empty tomb, the Cross would literally mean nothing.

As Mark’s gospel closes we read about two women named Mary who visit Jesus’ tomb on the third day, in order to pay their respects. We read about something incredible upon their arrival:

As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side, and they were alarmed. “Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him..."

Before Mark penned his gospel there were events that profoundly shaped his ministry. In Acts 13:13 we read, “Paul and his companions set sail from Paphos and came to Perga in Pamphylia. John Mark (the gospel writer Mark), however, left them and went back to Jerusalem.”

What could have happened to John Mark in the midst of his mission journey to cause him to abandon and desert his dear friends? Nobody knows. We do know that something miraculous happened after that. God blessed John Mark with the gift of faith - not something of himself - not some subjective philosophical knowledge, but rather a transcendent grace gift from God Almighty. Additionally, God inspired this formerly chicken-hearted deserter to write one of the four gospels! The gospel whose symbol is a courageous roaring lion no less!

It could be that John Mark initially embarked on a service trip - one not unlike many Christians today - which amounted to nothing more than superficial voluntourism. But sometime after deserting his friends, John Mark was blessed with the most profound realization and ultimate reality: Jesus is, in fact, the anticipated suffering servant the “gospel” of Isaiah had anticipated (ch 53).

John Mark came to the realization that Jesus was, in fact, the seed of Eve who came to crush the serpent’s head and gain eternal victory for humanity. After encountering the RISEN LORD - Mark finally understood that Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God, was undoubtedly the perfect Lamb, which Abraham prophesied God would offer up instead of Isaac.

Jesus did NOT simply bear the weight of humanity’s sin at the Cross of Calvary. No, as Psalm 103:12 tells us, “as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Through faith in Christ, we truly are credited with His spotless perfection, and our sin is eradicated completely.

Therefore, even greater than His advent’s hope, Easter is our victory celebration of the empty tomb.

Our Eternal King came to serve us, and He did it perfectly. The cross wasn’t a dismal end to a hope-filled pipe dream. He didn’t stay or decay in that tomb as a mere martyr or example of righteous living. Instead, the angel heralded a message that rocked the foundations and fabric of reality forever!“He has RISEN!”

I’m not a legalistic holiday miser. Our family colors, paints and hides goodie-filled eggs. Sometimes we even eat chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks (gasp!). But that’s certainly not the fullness of our celebration. Neither are pastel clothes, new hats, nor a bi-annual worship service. None of those things - including a Sunday service - even begin to convey what Easter is about. Easter even transcends mere hope by authenticating and validating it with His triumphant VICTORY over satan, sin, and death!

Remember, the angel proclaimed to those women first on the scene, “He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him..."

John Mark, the formerly chicken-hearted, wishy-washy, friend deserting chump, wanted everyone to know the truth about Jesus Christ, the Son of God - and His power to transform lives through faith. This was something Mark had experienced first hand! I'm certainly not trying to be dogmatic about this, but maybe that's why the symbol for Mark's gospel is a lion with wings... depicting transformation from fowl to fierce!

That’s right! Mark wanted everyone to know that our serpent crushing, Shiloh of inherent authority, Messiah to whom all praise and tribute belongs, our Spotless Lamb, our Savior, and our gloriously wonderful suffering Servant King truly is RISEN!

He is RISEN indeed!!!

Now, what are you going to do with that fact? Keep it to yourself like a chicken-hearted, friend deserting chump? Or will you, like Mark, courageously roar His gospel with your transformed life?

-Kevin M. Kelley

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Always blessed and taught. Thanks, Kevin.