
06 October 2016

Possibilities & Position

Possibilities & Position:

The outcome wasn’t determined for Adam. He could have chosen faithful obedience. He could have done exactly what God dedicated him in the Garden of Eden to do: serve and guard his bride (Gen 2:15). He could have crushed the head of the serpent that was leading her astray by planting seeds of doubt and rebellion. He could have chosen the tree of life.

Prior to sin entering “into the world” Adam ignored God, choosing apathy over obedience, and in so doing “by one man sin entered…”

Adam, humanity’s first champion, wavered and failed amidst the most conducive, optimal, and peerless conditions possible. There were no drugs, no porn, no corrupt governments, no internet, no alcohol, no loud obnoxious neighbors, no disease, no dysfunctional family history, no job stress, no mortgage payment, no HOA dues, no internal or external pressures whatsoever.

In light of that fact - what possible hope could there be for subsequent humanity? Now that sin had transitioned from mere potential-ity to full-blown real-ity?

What inkling or glimmer of promise and fortune remains now that our harmonious accord with God has been tragically marred beyond our capacity and aptitude to reconcile?

What light of jubilation in this abysmal chasm of despair following our expulsion from God’s Presence?

What hope following our foolish exchange of life’s revelry for the chains and bondage of death?

Of hope there is a relentless torrential downpour, an overwhelming deluge cascading from God Almighty Himself! There in the defiled Garden - God uttered the hope-filled words of Genesis 3:15:

“And I (God) will put enmity
between you (serpent) and the woman,
and between your (serpent’s) offspring and hers;
he (the woman’s offspring) will crush your head,
and you (serpent) will strike his heel.”

God Almighty promised that through this corrupt, tainted, broken, and depraved humanity He would send us a serpent-crushing champion! Someday our Messiah, the Christ, in all His glorious power and majesty would transcended the seemingly insurmountable abyss… He would crush the head of the serpent… Shatter the boundaries of reality... Obliterate the gates of Hell... Conquer sin… And eradicated death!

What hope? Boundless, infinite, eternal, immeasurable, comprehensive, and relentless hope.
Romans 5:17 tells us: “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ!”

Of hope there is a limitless supply in Christ. Yet it must be wrought from potential-ity to real-ity in your life exclusively through our Champion - the One who said, “But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.”

Hope and grace abound, but like Adam we all have have a weighty, critical, and demanding choice to make regarding possibilities and position.

I pray you would ask our God of glorious hope for the gift of faith in Christ and accept our Champion; then live abundantly for ever and ever in the love and will His Presence brings.

-Kevin M. Kelley

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