
27 September 2016



Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction. -Proverbs 29:18

We live in some crazy, tumultuous, turbulent times. The stuff our kids are faced with, global unrest, terrorism, racial tension, riots, attacks on law enforcement, the choice between dumb & dumber in the presidential election… and that’s all just this week.

When we stop to think about the chaos, turmoil, and utter pandemonium going on in the world around us - does anyone ever ask “Why?”

Around 1600 AD philosophical and scientific developments ushered in what is commonly referred to as the “Modern Era” (c.1620-1945). This era of Enlightenment and so called “advancements” was to rid the world of oppression, famine, illness, disease, unrest, and war. Instead, we simply became more efficient murderers, more effective dictators, more disconnected from our communities, more voracious consumers, and more consumed with personal autonomy.

In the ever expanding and accelerating rift between “is-ness” (how things are) and “ought-ness” (how things ought to be) we face an overwhelmingly mind-numbing reality. The solution for most is disconnectedness… obsession with and addiction to recreational drugs, drinking, partying, raves, sex, pornography, binge eating “comfort foods,” corporate ladders, vacations, and selfies. All in a futile attempt to not only convince ourselves, but to convince the community we’re so tragically disconnected from, that we’re happy.

The truth is we’re not just dying inside - we’re dead. Failed marriages pile up, debt increases, pounds are packed on, prescriptions escalate, self-help sales increase, and all the while our quality of life diminishes and evaporates. We crash into the world around us floundering and clawing for something that will bring us lasting peace, joy, and contentment… as long as it doesn’t demand the ultimate price - autonomy completely surrendered.

The one book that has historically and repeatedly been rendered outdated, irrelevant, obsolete, archaic, antiquated, impractical, flawed, whimsical, and fictitious, i.e. the Bible, is the exclusive solution to humanity’s systemic malady.

Throughout history many have undergone attempts to discredit the Bible’s inherent authority and validity. Some, like Lee Strobel, have been transformed and converted in the process. Others, like Bart Ehrman, have been given over to their depravity and unrelenting rebellion. The difference is that those who are graciously transformed by the Bible, i.e. the Word (logos) of God, no longer simply see a mere “book” of human wisdom, social rules, laws, or religion, but instead see the increasing fullness of Jesus Christ, the eternal logos/Word. Thus the Bible becomes the ongoing perfect disclosure, revelation, unveiling, and divulging of our -humanity’s- origin, purpose, mission, and goal for life; to be in perfect communion with God and neighbor.

Darwin’s theory claims that we are evolving. It has been nuanced, revamped, dressed up, and overhauled countless times in order to cater to new and developing scientific and philosophical truths. Take a look at the news and try to convince yourself - in all honesty - that humanity is truly evolving - becoming something better - than we were one hundred or one thousand years ago.

The Jews expected the prophesied Messiah to come as a powerful military ruler who would depose the Romans and recapture their national honor and dignity. When Jesus came healing, curing, raising, teaching, and loving He didn’t fit the bill for their needs and desires - so they had Him crucified.

That’s been humanity’s curse since Eden; God has never been compatible with our desire for autonomy and spirit of rebellion. In every culture and in every era it takes on a slightly different aura, guise, facade, sheen, or patina, but its provenance is immutable. Genesis 3:4-6 illuminates our universal motive in stating, “when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil…” Just like then, we still perceive and believe the fruit of rebellion will be good for satisfying us because it is alluring and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, autonomy, and independence, therefore we lust after it and consume it.

The tragedy is that what we lust for, long for, chase after, and condemn ourselves with is already ours. Genesis 1:26 tells us that God created us in THEIR image (Holy Trinity) and likeness (selfless servants). What we’re chasing in utter futility independent from God is our birthright in Christ Jesus.

Instead we reject God, we deny and despise His revelation through nature, Scripture, and Jesus, we cast off all restraint to quench, fill, and satisfy that which only He can, and dive ever deeper into the cesspool of depravity and sin - separation from our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ.

How is the revelation of Christ being made manifest in your life today, right now, even amid your tumultuous and seemingly hopeless circumstances? Is that something reserved for special times at a church building or does the authentic revelation of Jesus reign over every aspect, dimension, and facet of your life everywhere at all times?

In Matthew 5:13-16 Jesus told us to be salt and light, i.e. to be useful and productive in advancing the gospel of truth, love, and life in a lost and broken world. Jesus was instructing us to be the literal revelation of Him in the world. That’s the rock He spoke of later in Matthew’s gospel when our LORD said, “...on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it.”

Are you being the revelation of Christ in your family, your workplace, your neighborhood, and your community? Are you expecting someone -or- something else to do it? Jesus commissioned YOU with this work in saying, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction. -Proverbs 29:18

Are you heading wisdom’s instruction?

-Kevin M. Kelley

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