
15 July 2016


What is mankind that you are mindful of them; humanity that you care for them?
-Psalm 8:4

A Christian friend recently noted, for many years they'd lived as a “functional atheist.” My guess is they meant they had a fairly clear concept of who the God of the Bible was, but ultimately lived a practical life of practical decisions in a practical world with practical problems needing practical - and often immediate - answers.

Maybe an even more concise description of a “functional atheist” might be: in God’s apparent absence, responsibility ultimately rests on our shoulders.

I’m glad my friend used the term “functional atheist” rather than “deist” (someone who believes God exists, but is an impersonal or detached force/entity). But to take it one step further - to drag it into the light and expose it for what it is - a “functional atheist” is simply someone lacking the fortitude or conviction of a “full-blown” atheist.

Typically, the only thing separating a “functional atheist” and an “hardcore atheist” is the useless trappings of Christian culture. There's no James Avery jewelry, no fish on back of the vehicle, no "He is Risen!" sign in the front yard around Easter, and no standing appointment on Sunday mornings.

Recently, another Christian friend shared that, in his opinion, the greatest heresy of the American church is Moralistic Therapeutic Deism. That’s a fancy term for the fact that morally “good” people (by whatever subjectively popular terms we choose to define that currently) basically go to church in times of crisis for therapeutic reasons. An overview of Moralistic Therapeutic Deism might be something like this:

God loves us. But since He’s not here right now, He must be fishing or something.
A truly loving God wouldn't be capable of condemning good people to Hell.
Life is crazy and full of “real” (not church) problems.
Church will be there for help, prayer, and answers when I need it.

Moralistic Therapeutic Deism and Functional Atheism are, quite simply, less overt forms of authentic atheism - the belief that God does not exist.


In 1 Kings 18 there’s a great story of an epic confrontation between Elijah, God’s prophet, and 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah serving under Israel’s wicked king Ahab.

Elijah set up a contest of sorts. Two altars of wood, each with a bull atop it. The objective of the contest is stated in v.24, “ call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The god who answers by fire —he is God.”

Early in the morning, Elijah let the 850 prophets of Baal and Asherah go first. Imagine something akin to Woodstock or Lollapalooza with 850 people going absolutely nuts - dancing, shouting, and eventually even cutting themselves.

From time to time they'd all stop (insert crickets chirping here) to see if anything was happening. These nuts are at it for hours and hours and hours... I can't help but picture Elijah yawning, looking at his fingernails, pulling out his iPad from his robe pocket to post a selfie and update his FB status... until he finally taunts them saying,

“Shout louder! Surely he is a god! Perhaps he is deep in thought, or busy taking a leak, or traveling perhaps? Maybe he is sleeping and must be awakened.”

Hours, which probably seemed like days, pass. Now it’s evening. 850 ranting, zealous, bloodied goofballs are now physically, emotionally, and spiritually exhausted. Their energy and hope are zapped. Eventually, we read in v.29, “But there was no response, no one answered, no one paid attention.”

It seems to me that functionally, essentially, and realistically, we tend to operate like the prophets of Baal and Asherah. We call out to our false gods that we’ve set the relationship boundaries for. Who we’ve imposed our will and demands upon. Who we treat like a schoolyard game of kickball - and when we don’t like the direction or outcome - we simply pick up our ball and go home. Erroneously, we conclude the lack of our desired response in our time means God either doesn’t care (deism) or that God simply doesn’t exist (atheism).

The crux of the matter comes when Elijah reveals his motivation. Elijah didn’t set up the contest for personal satisfaction. It certainly was not to stand and gloat over the false prophets. Elijah went through all this for the reason stated in v.37, “Answer me, Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, Lord, are God, and that you are turning their hearts back again.”

Elijah didn’t set up the contest to determine whether or not God exists or to determine whether or not God is deeply, personally, and intimately interested in our lives. Elijah set up the contest to get the lost, disillusioned, deceived, and depraved people of God to turn back to Him.

Elijah’s faith in God came from the same place from which all faith flows - God’s revelation of Himself. We have the testimony and revelation of God’s eternal word, yet we often live and function as if that is insufficient. We go on imposing our terms and timing upon God Almighty, “If only God would speak to me directly, I’d believe! I’d change! I’d dedicate my life to Him!” Then we have the audacity to conclude: No response, no answer, no one home, therefore God does not exist.


God has revealed the FACT that we were made in the image (community) and likeness (selfless) of God (Gen 1:26-27). Is your life being lived for yourself or for community? Are you selflessly serving others or building your own empire of comfort and security?

God has revealed the FACT that we rejected Him in Eden in exchange for personal choice (Gen 3). God said such a choice would result in death (Gen 2). Do we really believe we’re separated from God and can only be reconciled with Him by Him -or- do you think it boils down to being a "good person?"

God has revealed the FACT that He’s on a mission to redeem humanity (Gen 12:3) and that He uses regular but obedient people (like Abraham, David, Mary, Paul, and us) to bless all the families of the earth. Are you participating in that mission of redemption or are you too busy with “real” problems that won’t matter to anyone (including you) in 2-weeks, 2 months, or 2 years?

God has revealed that the Church, Christ’s Bride, is His ordained vehicle of humanity’s redemption (Col 1; Eph 5). Are you an active member of a local church for that reason? Do you attend church for therapy, social networking, out of obligation, guilt, or another selfish reason?

God created the universe. Nowadays we question that fact in order to avoid coming across as intellectually challenged. God created us in Their perfect image yet we dabble with notions and theories of evolution. God gave us an undeserved promise of hope in Eden’s garden even after He warned us yet we still question His goodness. God wrote down and preserved His love story for us yet we question the validity, accuracy, and RELEVANCE of the Bible. God Almighty stepped down from His glorious throne in heaven into this dank putrid cesspool of our doing yet we deny the existence and exclusivity of Christ on the grounds of religious hubris.

We spend far too much time asking questions like “Does God care?” His answer came at the Cross.

The real question is, “Do we?”

-Kevin M. Kelley

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