
08 June 2016

Beautiful Feet???

Beautiful… Feet???

The question has been posed countless times, “Why go to (insert name of country here) as a missionary when there are people right here in your own backyard who need help?”

The answer is simple: obedience.

The answer is: simple obedience.

Throughout the United States you cannot go more than a few minutes or miles without hearing or seeing about Jesus Christ. We have radio, television programs, podcasts, blogs, t-shirts, Christian book stores, billboards…  But there are whole people groups throughout the world who have never heard His name, never seen a Bible, for whom Bibles don’t even exist in their language, to whom no one has ever preached an evangelistic message of separation/sin, grace in Christ, and the urgent need to respond RIGHT NOW!

Currently there are over 3 BILLION people on our planet who know nothing about Jesus Christ. That’s 42% of earth’s total population. There are approximately 6,700 unreached people groups, i.e. people who have never heard the good news of salvation, reconciliation, atonement, and communion with God through Jesus Christ.

There is another 7% of the earth’s population (over five hundred MILLION) who have been falsely reached. These are people groups where Jesus may be considered one of several possible options, or where the good news and Bible message have become tainted, diluted, and perverted.

In Romans 10:14-15 we read, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, ‘How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring good news!’”

There are over 3 BILLION people on the planet to whom no one has ever been sent to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since no one has been sent to them they cannot hear about Him. Since they cannot hear about Him they cannot believe in Him. Since they cannot believe in Him they cannot call on the only way for them to be rescued from their sin and separation from God.

Not every Christian is called to go (elsewhere) and evangelize, but every Christian is called to participate in the mission of God. “...and through you all the people groups of the earth will be blessed” (Gen 12:3). Maybe your gift/ministry is prayer - are you praying? Maybe your gift/ministry is finances - are you giving and supporting the local church? Maybe your gift/ministry is a skill/trade - are you using it to advance God’s kingdom or your own?

Politics and politicians will never solve the social and economic problems of humanity. They certainly cannot touch the source of the problem - our sin. There is only one authentic and comprehensive solution, and His name is Jesus Christ. I’m not talking religion. I’m talking about authentic faith that translates into simple obedience.

The Bible closes with an overpowering blast of exuberant anticipation of Jesus’ return. It closes with John telling us that the Eternal Living Word, Jesus, is the one who testifies to the credibility, validity, and integrity of all Scripture.

Since Jesus, the One “who testifies to these things” (Rev 22:20) says, “Yes, I am coming soon,” then the only honest response His friends, disciples, and followers can express is to respond “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” And this not with hollow pharisaism or lip service, but with our lives unreservedly poured out for the One who took our place at the Cross of Calvary.


3 Billion people have never heard.

How can they call on Him unless someone is sent with the good news of Jesus.

So what are you doing today to ensure that earth and the gates of Hell are shaken with the pounding of beautiful feet, which relentlessly, tirelessly, and enthusiastically bring the gospel of Jesus Christ to every nook, cranny, and corner of this world?

Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

-Kevin M. Kelley

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