WHY ask WHY?
Years ago Budweiser came out with an ad campaign for Bud Dry, "Why ask why? Try Bud Dry."
We all spend our entire lives doing stuff. We're almost exclusively focused on WHAT's around the corner, WHAT tomorrow holds, WHAT we're going to eat, WHAT we're going to do about this-or-that, WHAT I want, WHAT do my profit margins look like, etc.
Some of us spend time concerned with HOW. These are often times the "anal-retentives" and perfectionists among us. HOW does my hair look, HOW should I act, HOW will this project turn out...
But very few ever stop to question or examine the WHY.
But very few ever stop to question or examine the WHY.
WHY is what drives us. Beliefs always drive behavior. Therefore, behavior ultimately reveals beliefs.
WHY does a woman desiring nothing more than to be a stay-at-home mom go off to a corporate job every day? WHY does a guy with a Master's degree take a less than minimum wage job with no benefits when there are numerous "better" opportunities out there? Why?
The world tells us not to question. “Why ask why?” Contradict much? The world wants us to believe that WHY doesn’t really matter. The world tells us what's ultimately most important is HOW/WHAT you feel - not WHY you feel it. So have another beer, smoke another, eat another, consume more and more until you commit gratification suicide. It's better to burn out than fade away, right?
The WHY is the "Sword of the Spirit," which is able to discern/divide bone and marrow, words and intent, and light from darkness.
Everyone is profoundly concerned with WHY, because ultimately WHY boils down to either serving A) SELF, or B) CHRIST.
Generally speaking, Mormonism, Islam, Judaism, and countless other world religions promise rewards while authentic Christianity's "only" promise is fellowship with God.
So today let’s stop and ask WHY. WHY am I doing this? WHY am I angry with that person? WHY am I obsessed with _____? WHY is this-or-that my goal/desire?
WHY did Paul instruct us to "take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5)?
Some will simply be concerned with WHAT and try to change behavior. Some will be concerned with HOW and strive to do the WHAT perfectly. Few will be concerned with WHY, drink deep from the spring of Scripture, and be forever changed.
The WHAT's and HOW's of life will merely be the venues and platforms for the WHY. That’s why Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Phil 4:12). Eating or starving, rich or broke, shipwrecked or sailing… It's all just means to an end for the followers of Christ.
The WHAT's and HOW's of life will merely be the venues and platforms for the WHY. That’s why Paul said, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Phil 4:12). Eating or starving, rich or broke, shipwrecked or sailing… It's all just means to an end for the followers of Christ.
Peter clearly understood WHY. He wrote down the answer as: "...so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen."
Why ask why? Because WHY matters. WHY has, is, and will forever be supremely and eternally relevant.
-Kevin M. Kelley
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