Visions of Glory:
What is the vision regarding leadership within your church? Does your church have a vision? Do you know what it is (you should)? And how did that vision come about? In the Blackabys’ book: Spiritual Leadership - Chapter 4 - The Leader's Vision: it asks two critical questions regarding vision:
1) Where Do Leaders Get It? and
2) How Do They Communicate It?
The Henry and Richard Blackaby discuss how many local churches develop vision:
1) Because it's there: these are the dreamers who never count the cost (see Luke 14:28).
2) Duplicators: these just look to see what others have done and copy it (see 2 Cor 10:16).
3) Vanity: these are the pastors who strive for record setting projects or insist on having their name in marquee lights (see Ecc 1).
4) Need: there is always a need - even atheists fulfill needs through philanthropy (see Matt 26:6-13).
5) Available Resources: resources often times come from congregants/parishioners with an agenda, but even if they do not resources cannot steer vision or drive programming, only undergird it (see Jesus feeds the Five Thousand).
6) Leader Driven: the smartest, most charismatic, most published, most decorated leader isn't qualified to lead anything in the church. James & John (the Sons of Thunder) asked Jesus if they could pull a Sodom & Gomorrah urban renovation project on a Samaritan village because of a "rude reception." They had all the credentials on paper, but Jesus' plan was life - not destruction (see Luke 9:51-56).
7) Values/Gifts: turning to your church's 'core values' is a poor substitute for turning to God in prayer. Gifts/passion driven churches automatically cut out anything that doesn't fit - which may be exactly what God desires. What if "I'm not really passionate a boat-guy," is how Noah had responded to God? What if "Why can’t we all just get along” was David’s response to God regarding Goliath?" It didn’t happen that way because, for both of those men, their passion was the relentless pursuit of God and obedience to His revelation. Their passion was not a passion their own agenda - however “noble” it might sound in our heads. Anything other than the will of God translates as “idolatry” and disobedience.
So what's the right answer to the source and origins of church vision? God’s revelation. Any leader who tries to lead by their own vision is relying upon their power, and that person - no matter how well intentioned - is a false shepherd/prophet. (Do a search for 'false shepherds' and 'false prophets'), destined to fail miserably, and to take a 'well intentioned' church with him. Jim Jones had all kinds of great visions for his “church” in Guyana, and they all ended up “drinking the kool-aid.”
As the Blackaby's note, "The role of spiritual leaders is not to dream up dreams for God, but to be the vanguard for their people in understanding God's revelation." So the bottom line is that if your church needs to be deeply invested in:
1) Developing people (including YOU!) in accordance with The Bible by…
2) Equipping them (including YOU!) to serve others in order to…
3) Glorify God.
In what ways is your church challenging YOU to become a "fully devoted follower of Christ?" Are the sermons the “warm fuzzy” variety that make you feel good, but never CALL YOU TO ACTION?
The litmus test is fruit. What kind of fruit are you producing within your church? Going to church isn't about guilt, or simply “getting fed.” Church is about Christian community, in the biblical Greek that's the word:koi-no-nia- (koy-know-knee-ah). If your church not only allows but encourages people to be spectating consumers - then it has failed.
Excellence is NOT the test either. There are excellent Broadway musicals that have nothing to do with Christ.
The standard is connecting and growing together in the faith, knowledge, and unity with Christ.
If part of your local church's vision is actively seeking ways to invest in YOU, so that YOU can in-turn invest in the expansion of The Kingdom of God, then you're part of something special, i.e. a genuine local expression of the true Body & Bride of Christ - the Church.
-Kevin M. Kelley
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