
26 May 2016



We’ve got BIG BUTS and we cannot lie - not to God anyway. We’ve all got them, and they’re not attractive. In fact they stink. They reveal our narcissistic fascination with over-consumption, personal comfort, and self-gratification. They reveal what our storehouses are full of. We try to hide them behind thin veils of cultural and philosophical fabric, i.e. the flowy garments of self-entitlement, hip designer arguments of exclusivism, exceptionalism, and uniqueism.

“I know the Bible says _____________, but…”

Big BUTS were, are, and continue to be the source of our separation from God. They betray, expose, and affirm our intrinsic, inherent, innate, and ingrained nature of selfishness, autonomy, and rejection of God as Almighty Sovereign.

“I know the Bible says I should tithe at least 10%, but…”

“I know the Bible says I shouldn’t live with my girl/boyfriend, but…”

“I know the Bible says I shouldn’t worry, but…”

“I know the Bible says I should think of others as more important than myself, but…”

“I know the Bible says I should LOVE my enemies, but…”

The solution for most of us is to simply avoid God’s Word, i.e. the Bible. If we don’t read it then we give ourselves an out - right? If we don’t spend time with God on a daily/regular basis through reading, grappling, digesting, and allowing ourselves to be conformed to His Word - then we can live under the inglorious banner: “I’M IGNORANT - AND IGNORANCE IS BLISS!”  If we don’t bask in the glorious light of the SON, then we can plead our case before Him - right?

How much time have you spent in God’s Word over the past year? How many Bible verses do you have memorized? Do you know the characters of your favorite TV show better than you know the Apostles and Prophets?

In Matthew 7:3 Jesus told us in advance that to those who are content and comfortable with their BIG BUTS He will eventually say, “Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'”

Our hearts betray, expose, and affirm our intrinsic, inherent, innate, and ingrained nature of selfishness, autonomy, and rejection of God as Almighty Sovereign.

We’ve all got them, and they’re not attractive. In fact they stink.

What does your BIG BUT reveal about your relationship with Christ?

-Kevin M. Kelley

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