Nothing Apart:
In the midst of crisis people, even the so-called “hardcore atheist,” default to prayer. Ever heard the saying, "There are no atheists in foxholes," or the expression "Foxhole Convert?"
Why is our prayer-life so anemic or non-existent?
Possible Answers:
Option 1: We don't believe we're truly in crisis.
Option 2: We don't believe in the power of/behind prayer.
Option 3: We've bought the lie: I can handle this.
John MacArthur notes, "perhaps the major problem facing many evangelical churches today is the failure to appreciate the need for prayer." While I love me some John MacArthur, I disagree. Christians don't need to develop an appreciation for prayer any more than we need to develop an appreciation for Jesus. Instead, we need to realize (make real or bring into functional application) prayer as absolutely foundational to our faith, ministry, and life.
Jesus said, "...apart from me you can do nothing." That's not a statement about 'appreciation;' that is authentic truth from the mouth of God Himself.
Trying to fix our marriage, parents, children, family life, job situation, financial situation, health, etc. through "behavior modification," which amounts to nothing more than "self-improvement," is a joke.
I hate the phrase, “Well, all we can do now is pray.” What a farce and offense to God Almighty! We do everything independent from God, watch it unravel, then toss up a “Hail Mary” (term for a hopeless pass of desperation in American Football) at the end for good luck.
Instead we need to realize that prayer is absolutely foundational and essential for our ongoing relationship, i.e. communion, with Christ because He told us plainly: "Apart from me you can do nothing."
The knee-jerk response might be: "That's idiotic! I can do plenty without praying. I can text on my phone, I can drink water, I can go to work... I can lots of stuff." You certainly can, but none of it has any eternal value because it is sin. "Sin?" you say? Yes, sin. "So you're saying that texting is sin... drinking water is sin... breathing air is sin?" I’m not saying it. I’m just telling you what the Bible tells us in Romans 14:23, “... and everything that does not come from faith is sin.”
There is no middle ground. On one hand there is reality - "Apart from me you can do nothing," and on the other there is "...everything that does not come from faith is sin." You're either abiding (in communion, atonement, fellowship, harmony, etc.) in Christ - or you're not.
If we truly believe what the Bible tells us, that is: 1) that every person's soul - by default - is hopelessly lost to the kingdom of darkness apart from the gift of Christ's grace through faith, and 2) that we truly can do NOTHING for ourselves or others apart from Christ working in & through us; then the rational, reasonable, practical conclusion is that we would “pray without ceasing,” just as the Bible instructs us.
We would pray for souls, for the living water of the gospel of Christ, for opportunities, for a sphere of impact, influence, and service for Christ, for boldness, and to become the tangible expression of Christ.
Let us consider, with great sincerity, Jesus words, “apart from me you can do nothing.” Then let’s live out that powerful and profound reality in this lost and broken world for God's praise and glory!
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