
09 March 2016

Be Encouraged!

Be Encouraged!

I love the words that Oswald Chambers spoke many years ago, “Many today are spending and being spent in work for Jesus Christ, but they do not walk with Him.” I am encouraged by those words -NOT- because many are not walking with Christ, but because there is a remnant who are.

For those of you who, like my new friend from God - Ryan, have suffered deep and painful wounds in ministry, my message for you today is “Be Encouraged!”

Isaiah the prophet (i.e. spokesman of God) wrote, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand.”

Some of the deepest and most painful wounds that can ever be inflicted upon us come from others who fall into that category, which Oswald spoke of “Many today are spending and being spent in work for Jesus Christ, but they do not walk with Him.”

What may have originally begun as work for Jesus Christ quickly turned into something perverse, selfish, tainted, and twisted because they ceased to “walk with Him.”

The damage those kinds of people do in ministry is intense, heavy, and substantial. Those kinds of wounds frequently crush the spirit of the meek, compassionate, and loving servants of the LORD, and can even lead some to drop out from their vocation of ministry and service to the saints.

So to my friend Ryan, and to those of you who have been wounded in ministry from power-hungry, mean-spirited, two-faced, bullies and brutes… my desire for you today is that you be encouraged!

After meeting Ryan I reached out to a mutual friend who has dedicated his life to Christ - specifically through building relationships focused on world mission. After telling our mutual friend I’d met Ryan his response was, “Thank you for your greeting… Ryan is a great man of God, an exceptional worship minister, and disciple-equipper. Hope you learn much.”


There are those in this life who never have, and never will, walk with Jesus. Unfortunately they have convinced others that they not only know Him, but that they are intimately connected with Him. These people ascend the ranks of ministry and “lord it over” the faithful saints whom have truly been called, and whom walk with Jesus.

Be encouraged!

Not only does the LORD say, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with My righteous right hand,” which is absolutely sufficient, but the LORD blesses us with true friends in ministry - like Ryan - who are being poured out without ever counting the cost.

Be encouraged!

Jesus not only blesses us with friends, but He is our greatest advocate and friend. In John 15:15 we read, “I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.”

Be encouraged!

Treasure the people whom God has given you as encouragers and mentors because their counsel is worth more than all the enemy’s opposition, and most importantly… keep walking with Jesus.



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