
12 February 2016

Life's Axis

Life’s Axis:

The Apostle Paul shared with the church in Corinth (and the universal Church) the essence of living as the Church when he wrote, "Conduct yourselves exclusively around the gospel of Christ." - Philippians 1:27

Paul used the word "axios" (where we get the word "axis") to tell us that the gospel of Christ is the exclusive AXIS around which the authentic Church, the Bride of Christ, operates.

God is our God of grace, mercy, forgiveness, justice, perfect unity, and selflessness. That’s the message of the gospel of Christ, our LORD, who went to the Cross in our place to pay the price for sin that we never could.

Is the gospel of Christ the axis of your church?

Is the gospel of Christ the axis of your life?

That's Jesus' desire for us as individual members of His Bride - the Church.


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