
03 December 2015

Pursued by God

Pursued by God:

Have you ever felt far away from God?

Have you ever felt empty, alone, or, quite honestly, like God has abandoned you?

Here are a couple of verses from the book of Psalms to help reset your perspective and align it to the reality of the depth and intensity of loving-kindness your Creator has for you!

1. Psalm 138:8 “The LORD will perfect that which concerns me: your mercy, O LORD, endures forever: forsake not the works of your own hands.”

Even steadfast rock stars of faith, like King David, sometimes felt forsaken or worn down and realized their absolute DEPENDENCE upon God to supernaturally fill, empower, lead, and perfect them.  That’s the spiritual life.  Unfortunately, that’s the very thing we constantly resist and abandon in our pursuit of the things of the world... things that we desire… things we can control... and things we can accomplish under our own power.  All those things demonstrate our independence from God.

Guess what?  Independence from faith & dependence upon God is the very definition of sin. (See Rom 14:23)

All of those things that amount to independence are the ‘sinking sand’ upon which the foolish builder builds (Mt. 7:26).  But when we yield (that’s our part) to the Spirit and allow God to fill us with the power and obedience to accomplish the Father’s will –  that is when God is glorified, souls are saved, lives are transformed, the Church becomes unified, and the impossible (under human power) happens.


2. Psalm 23:6 “Surely your sweet goodness and unfailing covenant love will pursue hard after me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.”

The Creator of the universe isn’t ‘gone fishing,’ God isn’t the impotent, incapable, distant, disconnected, disinterested god you may have been led to believe He is.  God pursues hard after you like a cheetah chasing down its prey.  The contrast being that God’s intention isn’t to devour you as dinner, but rather to embrace you in his “sweet goodness and covenant loving kindness.”

English translations typically take the Hebrew verb. (radaph) and translate it ‘follow.’  “Surely your mercy and goodness will follow me…” That’s like saying a cheetah follows a bunny, or watching a high-speed police chase and saying the police are merely following the criminals.

God isn’t following you. God is PURSUING HARD AFTER YOU!

God desires for us to yield to the Spirit and serve in obedience because that’s what is best for us – and amazingly God somehow allows it to be added to His already perfect glory!

Today may have been a rough day…
at the end of a rough week…
at the end of a rough month…
at the end of a rough year…
in what may feel like life-long chaos, disappointment and frustration.

But God's Word says for us to BE ENCOURAGED!

Today you may feel like God either doesn’t care about you or that He can’t possibly forgive you for the ‘stuff’ or ‘that thing’ you’ve done.

You’d be absolutely WRONG on both counts.

God does care about you, so much so that He stepped down from His heavenly throne and walked among us as the exclusive God-man, Jesus, and after living a perfect life He died a perfect death so that regardless of what you’ve done there is forgiveness and grace for you.

God does NOT forsake the work of His own hands.
God has been pursuing hard after you since before you were born.

Maybe right now is the time you stop running.

Maybe right now is when you allow God to do a miracle in & through your life – for His praise and glory.

Read Romans 10:9 and find acceptance and eternal life in our God who has been perfecting and pursuing you this whole time.


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