
17 November 2015

Ruffled Feathers

Ruffled Feathers:

As I look at the profile pics of many people on Facebook I see the French flag as a sign of support... What a wonderful symbol of unity and support!

My fear is that some may feel that a symbol of support is sufficient. Are you doing anything beyond changing your profile pic? If not, then I wonder what the point is? I realize that question will ruffle some feathers, but I think it's a fair question. Are you doing anything for the people of France or are you just jumping on the superficial support bandwagon?

These superficial bandwagon supporters are the people Jesus' brother called to account in James 2:15-17.

There are tons of superficial Christians who fill buildings on Sunday's - or just on Easter & Christmas - who jump on the bandwagon when it's cool or popular. They might even spew hollow words like, "I'll pray for you!" or "Go in peace; keep warm and well fed," to which the Bible states, "but does nothing... What good is it?"

James was/is saying if that's how you act in matters of the world then it's probably how you act in your faith-relationship with God; and it's pathetic in both cases.

Symbols are a reflection of reality - not reality itself. If you're doing nothing to help the folks in France the what does the symbol represent, or as James said, "What good is it?" If you're not going to do something beyond telling someone you'll pray - then why say it unless you just want to exalt yourself?

I'm not saying that if you can't meet someone's physical needs then you shouldn't do anything.  Prayer is more powerful than anything we can do in the physical realm, but if you say you're going to pray for someone - then pray down-on-your-face, heart felt prayers. 

As Wesley said in The Princess Bride, "We are men of action, lies do not become us."  Or if you prefer an older movie reference let's try one from Trading Places, "It ain't cool being no jive turkey so close to Thanksgiving."

If your symbol doesn't reflect a reality of authentic action in the physical or spiritual realm, what good is it? -NONE-

Therefore, let us be people of action and not hollow, superficial, banner-flyers and bandwagon jumpers.


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