
11 November 2015

Identification. Please.

Identification. Please.

A police officer will typically ask for your identification when you get pulled over. “Identification please.”  The appropriate response, in this case, is to reach into our wallet/purse/backpack and pull out the little laminated card.  When traveling abroad we know to pull out our passport.

But when Jesus says, “Identification. Please,” this is a heartfelt request by God.  For Christians the only source of authentic/valid identification is in our God of Holy Trinity.  Sure, some people can pull out a laminated card that indicates they are part of some church – maybe even a priest or pastor, but that’s not identification as a Christian.  Identification comes through our intimate, personal, gracious, and Spirit-filled unity with God through Christ.

In 2 Corinthians 5:21 we read, “The One not having known sin – he made sin – that we might become the righteousness of God.”  Have you ever stopped to consider that statement? “That we might become the righteousness of God.”  Paul wasn’t talking about an army of individuals or Sunday ‘Christians,’ but those who are the true Church – committed disciples/followers of Jesus, i.e. the perfect sacrifice for our sin.

How was Jesus made sin? Not through evil transgression or willful disobedience, but through voluntary IDENTIFICATION.  Jesus identified with humanity – you, me, all of us – so completely that at the Cross He LITERALLY became our sin. That’s what “he made sin” means.  So when Jesus was nailed to that Cross, died, and was buried – our sin went with Him. Jesus rose. Sin stayed buried.  It no longer has any power of those redeemed, identified, and victorious in Christ!

In this magnificent, awesome, merciful, and gracious transaction – Christ’s became our literal sin 100% so that:
1. At the Cross sin would die and be forever conquered in death.
2. That through our subsequent baptism we would be 100% identified with Christ (i.e. Him, His death & resurrection, His Church through membership & service, and His Mission).
3. In being identified 100% with Christ we are also identified 100% with Holy Trinity (Father – will/authority, Son – intimate incarnational obedience, and Spirit – power and presence).

When Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” He wasn’t starting a religious movement, but calling for complete identification in Him, with the one true God of Holy Trinity.

Have you found religion burdensome with all the rules, complex doctrine & theology, and goofy ceremony?

You’re not alone.

Are you still weary and burdened?

Then maybe you’ve not listened to His heart-felt request…

“Identification. Please.”


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