
30 March 2020


"Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!"
Jesus stopped.
-from Matthew 20:29-33

When combined, those simple words, "Jesus stopped," rock the very foundation of the cosmos.

Circumstances and details vary slightly between Gospel accounts. Mark and Luke record only one blind man while Matthew records two. John doesn't mention it at all.

Apparent inconsistencies such as these cause some reject Scripture altogether.

In doing so the commonality, the point, "Jesus stopped," is lost.

Details certainly vary. Unquestionable. If the goal is to discredit the Word by the Word, the request - our choice - is always granted.

"Be ever hearing, but never understanding;
  be ever seeing, but never perceiving.

Make the heart of this people calloused;
   make their ears dull
   and close their eyes.
Otherwise, they might see with their eyes,
   hear with their ears,
   understand with their hearts,
   and turn and be healed.

The inability to humble ourselves before the King is ever exposed. The rejection of Jesus, the Eternal Word, ensures blind eyes never see, deaf ears never hear, and calloused hearts never really turn.

Wisdom of the world is the rope by which the proud are hanged.

Nevertheless, "Jesus stopped."

On this point, there is no debate or discord.


The eternal and beloved Son of God, Jesus, Christ, son of David, son of Abraham, the incarnate and unique God-man, Immanuel, the perfect and spotless Lamb of God, slain from the foundations of the cosmos, who takes away the sin of the world... He is the one who hears cries of absolute and utter desperation, "Have mercy!" He is the one who responds...

Jesus stopped.

Shortly after this Jesus entered Jerusalem. He did so knowing He would never leave.

He entered triumphantly on a donkey.

The Cross was waiting.

The King came in humility - not only to Jerusalem but from His eternal throne in heaven.

He came knowing the Cross was His portion, His mission.

He walked with us, taught us, He ate with us and washed our feet... the feet of those who would reject... deny... even betray Him.

Still, He came.

Still, Jesus stopped.

Jesus accepted His arrest. He accepted the horrific beatings. He accepted the cross, the trek up Calvary, the incessant mocking and the shame. He accepted the nails. He accepted the crucifixion. He accepted and endured it all for the joy set before Him.

Just before He died, Jesus asked the Father to have mercy on us. Jesus plead with the Father for His perfect sacrifice to satisfy the wrath and penalty for our rebellion and sin. "Have mercy..." The Father accepted with one condition: Our humble recognition.

Salvation by grace through faith in Christ.

One could focus on insignificant variations and apparent inconsistencies... blind eyes refusing to see, deaf ears refusing to hear, and stone hearts refusing to turn... or we could focus on the point:

Someone, in honest and desperate dependency, shouted, "Lord! Have mercy!"

Jesus stopped.

He will for you too.

-Kevin M. Kelley

24 March 2020


Reports have been out for quite some time now about a global pandemic. It’d be highly irresponsible for me, as a pastor, to remain silent about something so widespread, so deadly, something that has impacted everyone - everywhere - universally - without exception.

At first, the truth about it was suppressed. Apparently, there was social isolation involved and plenty of blame. Dialogue about trust came to the forefront. Efforts to create insecurity and fear were, and continue to be hugely successful.

A clear warning was given regarding boundaries. Severe, in fact, TERMINAL, consequences were made obvious, but subsequently discounted, disregarded, despised, and dismissed. First as unlikely, then improbable - then impossible. Ultimately, consequences were spun as legend, myth, even fantasy.

The global outbreak is believed to have originated in Asia or possibly even Africa. But all evidence points to its origins in the area around the Tigris and Euphrates (Gen 2:15) the Middle East.

Initially it was thought to have been linked to birds, cows, possibly even swine. Upon closer inspection, study, and research we can trace it back to a reptile - a single, solitary snake (Gen 3).

Nothing like it has ever been reported in history. Estimates of over 100 BILLION deaths and a 100% mortality rate. Other contagions with substantially lower mortality rates have sent countries, economies, and sometimes the entire world into utter chaos.

Stockpiling toilet paper is currently our biggest concern… along with whether or not fast food drive-thrus will remain open. If the income tax deadline will be extended. If the stock market is going down. If unemployment going up.

Oddly enough this deadly universal, global pandemic isn’t recognized by the CDC, the World Health Organization, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness, the International Society for Infectious Diseases, or countless other “concerned parties” DESPITE it being the sole root cause of all suffering, death, every disease, every war, crime and trespass ever.

A very reliable source (The Bible) warns the effects do NOT find their terminus (as some would have us believe) in physical death. Instead, effects are reported to worsen EXPONENTIALLY post-mortem. At which point they are irreversible and permanent. While experts agree high temperature is not an initial symptom… intolerable heat and what has been reported as a “very strong burning sensation” come in the final stage. At which point it is far too late (Revelation 20:14-15).

According to the former King of Israel, the onset of the original CORONA pandemic actually occurs before birth - at the time of conception (Psalm 51:5). Opponents and critics adamantly oppose such an idea, despite an overwhelming body of evidence over decades, centuries, even millennia supporting it.

Opponents and critics reject such “ignorant fundamental beliefs” emphatically asserting humans have “every freedom to choose good for ourselves.” Numerous exhaustive research efforts have been endeavored to validate these claims (Psalm 14:1-3), but to date evidence supporting humans choosing or doing anything “GOOD” on our own - are elusive, at best, and remain completely unsubstantiated.

Meanwhile, there is no shortage of evidence supporting the reality of CORONA (Romans 1:25-32): murder, crime, corruption, exploitation, apathy, and utter human depravity… as one source notes, “every inclination of their hearts, is exclusively evil - perpetually" (Genesis 6:5).

Some of the most obvious symptoms of the contagion include (but are certainly are limited to):

Selfishness, hoarding, pride, apathy, arrogance, entitlement, indifference, lying, boasting, narcissism, codependency, insecurity, immorality, cowardice, fear, slander, jealousy, envy, adultery, anger, drunkenness, dissensions, factions, disloyalty, disunity, isolation, traditions, nostalgia, bitterness, grumpiness, a general lack of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, demonstrating poor judgment, a strong aversion to correction, and a perpetual lusting after MAMMON - stuff - material possessions.

What appears to be the most telling symptom, though… An insatiable desire for attention, i.e. RELEVANCE: interjecting oneself (Matt 17:4), self-appointment, self-importance, self-righteous, self-deprecating… a failure to take captive every thought (2 Cor 10:5), an inability to search motives (Psalm 139:23-24) and an unspoken personal motto, “I must increase; He must diminish.” An unwillingness to die to self.

Shockingly, the absolute WORST cases (referred to as the “DENIAL STRAIN” of CORONA) have not been found in the general population! Instead, it is found rampant and exclusively in religious centers across the globe.

The DENIAL STRAIN apparently thrives and is exacerbated in pockets referring to themselves as “churches,” when in actuality more akin to social clubs and hate groups than anything ever spoken of in Scripture).

These groups tend to take bits and pieces of Scripture completely out of context, formulating warped beliefs and false doctrines, upholding corrupt traditions, justifying causes, and advancing their own personal, perverse, and twisted agendas.

Cases of the DENIAL STRAIN are most prevalent among uber-hypocritical religious types and have proven unresponsive to all forms of treatment and intervention.

Despite demonstrating all the symptoms, those affected by the DENIAL STRAIN, i.e. the WALKING DEAD, are unable or unwilling to face reality. They confidently boast of being “fine,” “cured,” “healed,” even “born-again” or “saved” based exclusively on traditions and externals such as:

Asking Jesus into my heart.

Participating in mystical and magical ceremonies of “transformation.”

Participating in frequent ritualistic gatherings - often exclusively on Sundays and Wednesdays, as worshipping God is apparently limited to very specific days, times, and geographic locations.

Displaying the “appropriate” appearance and dress… modestly… prudence… tasteful… not like “those people over there…” (Luke 18:11).

Many refer to a long religious lineage (Matt 3:9) and taut extensive resumes of religious experience: services attended, religious holy days & holidays, religious camps, religious retreats, religious trips, religious workshops, religious concerts, religious seminars and religious schools and colleges along with religious degrees.

Many pridefully display PROOF in the form of: bumper stickers, lawn signs, cross walls, flags, lofty positions with elaborate titles (Deacon, Elder, Prophet, Bishop, Apostle, Father), some even don elaborate costumes - pointy hats, shiny sticks, flowing robes, exaggerated or pronounced collars, and highly ornate gowns… all as proof! Interestingly, many of these externals are designed to be removable for quick stops at shops and areas where “temporary anonymity is highly desirable.”

Many report emotional moments filled with tears of remorse or elation, but when pressed to demonstrate the good fruit gathered, the abundant harvest associated with “good soil” producing a crop 100, 60, 30x that which was sown… evidence once again seems elusive.

But failing to recall, "...anything that does not come from faith is sin" (Romans 14:23b).


We all come into this world not merely desiring a CORONA/CROWN, but THE CROWN. We consider our lives to be our own. We consider ourselves masters of our own destinies, captains of our own ships, kings and queens of our own kingdoms. We believe ourselves to be the very epicenter of all things.

We go about our daily lives, pursuing our own goals and glory from atop our own feeble thrones, ruling our own pathetic and crumbling kingdoms of filth, decay, and sin with little to no thought of the rightful Sovereign King and Creator - Jesus.

No thought of His eternal deity, His humility manifest through His incarnation as Immanuel. Little to no thought of His ministry not merely OF the Good News, but AS the Good News.

No thought of His willingness to turn His face resolutely to Jerusalem two-thousand years ago, to wash the feet of disciples who would moments later abandon, deny, and even betray Him.

No thought of Him who surrender willfully, suffer mocking silently, endured scourging, shame, and brutal torture patiently. No thought of the King whose CORONA was ONE OF THORNS as He suffered and died atop a cross for us. For you. Little to no thought... unless of course it somehow benefits us.

The symptoms are universal. The disease of SIN still ravages. Still blinds. Still deceives. Entitlement still prevails over humble obedience and willful surrender.

If such were not the case, if we who claim to be His followers… crucified with Him… lives no longer our own… raised to truly walk in newness of life… If we were to cast off our CORONA of rebellion, autonomy, and sin and TURN to the rightful KING, JESUS - the Gates of Hades would not stand for another day. Not for another hour. Not for another moment.

In comparison to the estimated 100 billion lives claimed by the original CORONA pandemic of SIN, what we’re facing today with COVID 19 is less than a hiccup. It's a momentary blip on the screen of history.

What if we took SIN as seriously as this? What would social media look like? What would be trending on Google? What would we stockpile? What impact would it have on the global economy?

Would we continue to prioritize our own personal safety, comfort, security, advancement, and agenda? Would we bunker down in our homes in fear even after the quarantines are lifted? Would we continue to hide behind pathetic excuses or would we finally obey Jesus’ command, “Disciple all nations?”

Would our focus finally shift from ourselves? Would it shift from our CROWN to Christ the ONE true and eternal KING... The only true CROWN?

Revelation 4:

2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with Someone sitting on it. 3 And the One who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits of God. 6 Also in front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal. In the center, around the throne, were four living creatures… 

9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to Him who sits on the throne and Who lives forever and ever, 10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever. They throw their crowns before the throne saying:

11 “You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they were created and have their being.”


COVID19 will pass. The dismal, dreadful, decaying thing so many tragically refer to as “life,” will return. The alarms will cease. The panic and pandemonium will subside. The ritual and routine of ignoring Christ, His crown, His throne, and His will shall inevitably resume.

What will the lost see in us today? What will they see in us tomorrow? How do we respond? Panic? Fear? Uncertainty? Or with confidence that our God truly is MIGHTY to save. Truly in control. Truly King.

In God’s providence, we can be absolutely confident through every disaster there will be ONE who hears the distant murmur. There will be ONE who feels the Spirit’s prompting, ONE for whom the scales of death and deceit fall from their eyes. ONE who is truly born again. ONE who denies self, picks up His cross, and follows Him to whom all glory, honor, praise, authority, and tribute belong - and never look back. And over this ONE, there will be much rejoicing in HEAVEN!

The current pandemic is real. It need not be taken lightly but in perspective. We should seek God first in all things - at all times - forever, because apart from Christ we truly can do nothing. Nothing of any real or eternal value. Nothing good. His power truly is made perfect in weakness. He redeems all things for His glory.

In Matthew 18 the disciples asked Jesus, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom?” Jesus brought forth a little child. Not to display some erroneous pretense of innocence, but to REVEAL the status of children in a culture, in a day and time, as those intimately aware of their absolute, total, and desperate dependency.

In the historical and cultural context, "little ones" knew full well they possessed no power, no rights, no authority, and certainly no crown. Jesus said we must become like these, otherwise, we will never enter the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus continued, “What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way, your Father in heaven is not desiring that any of these little ones should perish.”

Is it you? Are you one of these LITTLE ONES intimately aware that despite your best efforts - peace, joy, contentment, and the abundant LIFE Christ created you for and desires for you, still eludes you? Are you intimately aware that THINGS ARE NOT as they ought to be?

Are you willing today to let go of fear, worry, anxiety, and doubt? To dispatch the warped traditions of men. To cast off the yoke of religion and all that hinders and separates you from a relationship with Christ?

The Good Shepherd left the ninety-nine and came for you. He’s found you today in your hearing the truth of the Gospel. Will you turn from Satan’s lies and SIN’s illusion of control and finally cast down your CORONA/CROWN at the feet of Jesus, the Christ, the son of David, crucified, risen on the third day, and coming in the glory of the Father with His angels? Will you?

-Kevin M. Kelley

03 March 2020


Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for your thoughts are not of the things of God, but the things of men."
-Matthew 16:23

Just moments before this scathing rebuke, Jesus seemed elated. He'd asked His disciples, "Whom do you profess Me to be?"

Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God." Jesus responded, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but my Father in the heavens. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build my church and the Gates of Hades will not overcome it."

Jesus led His disciples approximately 120 miles north of Jerusalem to the foot of Mt. Hermon. The "Gates of Hades" wasn't merely figurative. It was (and still is) a literal place with a long history of idol worship by both Israel and pagan cultures. It was a lush and fertile setting with a deep, dark cave in the side of a gigantic rock. In Jesus' day, people believed it to be the literal entrance (the Gates) to Hades (the underworld, where the dead reside).

Scholars frequently point out Peter's "confession" as the pivot in Matthew's Gospel. Jesus did NOT commend Peter for a confession. Instead, the Eternal Son was elated the Father had blessed Peter by beginning to reveal the truth of the Gospel to Him through the Holy Spirit.

Even in our interpretation and understanding of Scripture, we somehow find a way to make it about ourselves rather than about the relentless pursuit, the faithfulness, goodness, patience, grace, and lovingkindness of God Almighty.

Peter's profession of Jesus was underdeveloped at this point, and therefore silence was necessary. Earlier in chapter 16 Jesus warns the disciples regarding the deficient and defective teachings (yeast) of the Pharisees and Sadducees. Their idea of Messiah was grossly perverted.

The religious leaders believed Messiah would come as an unstoppable military leader to overthrow all foreign oppressors and establish Israel as the permanent dominant military force in the world. They rejected the authority of Scripture in favor of the Oral Law, i.e. "the traditions of the elders."

Long ago Israel jettisoned what Isaiah and the prophets said about Messiah coming to give sight to the blind, causing the lame to walk, curing the diseased, restoring the brokenhearted and disillusioned, and being the humble, obedient, Servant of The Lord. 

They'd exchanged the truth of God for a lie. They believed Messiah would avenge the destruction of the temple and priesthood, the demise of the kingship, and the loss of their land by divine military supremacy.

When Jesus, this lowly "pathetic" Nazarene of questionable birth, arrived on the scene with no sword, no army, no stature, no earthly nobility, and began preaching a Gospel of humble repentance and service rather than military dominance... He wasn't merely rejected, He was utterly despised!

Knowing the disciples' view of Messiah wasn't far from that of the Pharisees and Sadducees, He ordered them not to tell anyone He was Messiah (16:20).

When He explained, "He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, and He must be killed and on the third day be raised to life." Peter flipped his lid.

Like the religious nutjobs, Peter was ticked! He'd just given Jesus two thumbs-up as a glowing endorsement, and the way Jesus repaid him was to say, "Now I'm headed to Jerusalem to die."

That didn't jive with Peter's plans or way of thinking, so he grabbed Jesus and said, "Bro. Can I talk to you over here? Ummm... You're making me look really stupid! Never! This will never happen! It'd ruin all my marketing plans!"

Jesus responded, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for your thoughts are not of the things of God, but the things of men."

Peter's glorious "confession" goes down in a blaze of inglorious ignorance. What many herald as the "pivot" of Matthew's Gospel is subsequently exposed as human ignorance and pride. Frequently missed here is the sheer magnitude of God's goodness in beginning to reveal the fullness of the Gospel to depraved humanity.

Jesus continued, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will find it."

Like Peter, our minds readily drift from the things of God to the things of men. Our idea and practice of faith and church gets twisted by our warped traditions and selfish plans into something wholly unrecognizable by Christ as His Body and Bride.

We readily shift the focus from being ambassadors of the Gospel to programs, production, food, and festivals. We applaud ourselves for building projects, playgrounds, multiple campuses, the size of our congregations, and worship nights as if viable substitutes for simple, humble obedience:

1) Deny self.

2) Pick up your cross.

3) Follow Jesus.

When we do, He guarantees our twisted traditions, false teachings, pagan rituals, idol worship, "The Gates of Hades" and all the perverted things leading to death will not prevail against the Gospel: Jesus. Christ. Son of David and son of Abraham. Son of the Living God. Crucified and risen from the dead. Ascended. Coming soon to those who are eagerly awaiting Him as active ambassadors of His Gospel.

In Psalm 26:3 David pleads with God in prayer, "Test me, O LORD, and try me; examine my heart and mind." That's because David's heart was on the things of God and not the things of man.

-Kevin M. Kelley