It happens all the time in sports. A player thinks the touchdown is a foregone conclusion and the showboating begins... Oops! A track athlete thinks the race sewn-up only to get beaten by a nose.
When the focus shifts from the race to personal glory - catastrophe rapidly ensues. Along that vein, the Apostle Paul wrote, “But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ… For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.”
Masquerading. Satan is no fool. He's crafty. He doesn't walk around 10 feet tall with firey breath, a pointy tail, and pitchfork. No. He masquerades as an angel of light. He operates like the "Spot the Difference" pictures... He makes a facsimile that's close, but not quite true or real. By the time we've figured it out - if we figure it out - the hooks are already in too deep.
False-apostles, deceitful workers, and angels of light shift the focus every so subtly from where it needs to be - then BOOM! Disaster.
We are easily misled into thinking the greatest evils of the world are the Bin Ladens, Charles Mansons, and Hannibal Lectors. The greatest evils are the simple subtle shifts in perspective – the ones Paul said would lead us "astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." They cause us to focus on legalism, freedoms, religious duty, foods, ceremonies, even doctrines, rather than on Christ.
In Eden the serpent didn’t flat out tell Eve to reject God. It was subtle. Cause her to question… instill some doubt… suggest an "alternative" reality… promise undying support… point out the alluring advantages... market... sell it!
We are easily misled into thinking the greatest evils of the world are the Bin Ladens, Charles Mansons, and Hannibal Lectors. The greatest evils are the simple subtle shifts in perspective – the ones Paul said would lead us "astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ." They cause us to focus on legalism, freedoms, religious duty, foods, ceremonies, even doctrines, rather than on Christ.
In Eden the serpent didn’t flat out tell Eve to reject God. It was subtle. Cause her to question… instill some doubt… suggest an "alternative" reality… promise undying support… point out the alluring advantages... market... sell it!
Satan masqueraded as the lone voice of reason. “Evie-baby, let’s have some fun! God is antiquated and stuffy. Adam is a dimwit and boring. Just look at that GLORIOUS fruit! What God really meant was 'Just Do It!' Just 'Believe in Something!' He knew it would take a self-starting, independent, courageous gal like you to push the boundaries and figure it out! Besides, why else would God have put it RIGHT HERE in the middle of the garden if he didn’t REALLY want you to eat it?”
Oswald Chambers notes, “Satan does not tempt us to do wrong things… he does not come on the line of tempting us to sin, but on the line of shifting the point of view, and only the Spirit of God can detect this as a temptation of the devil.” What Oswald is saying is that unless your ear if firmly and perpetually planted in the middle of your Father’s chest – there is no way you can hear his heartbeat.
Like Esau, we readily sell our inheritance for a lousy bowl of soup, a promotion, some recognition, or the supposed "opportunity of a lifetime." We are easily and frequently led astray in simple subtle shifts - unless, like Jesus - our treasure, our heart, and our mind is always exclusively identified with the will of the Father.
Oswald Chambers notes, “Satan does not tempt us to do wrong things… he does not come on the line of tempting us to sin, but on the line of shifting the point of view, and only the Spirit of God can detect this as a temptation of the devil.” What Oswald is saying is that unless your ear if firmly and perpetually planted in the middle of your Father’s chest – there is no way you can hear his heartbeat.
Like Esau, we readily sell our inheritance for a lousy bowl of soup, a promotion, some recognition, or the supposed "opportunity of a lifetime." We are easily and frequently led astray in simple subtle shifts - unless, like Jesus - our treasure, our heart, and our mind is always exclusively identified with the will of the Father.
If you find yourself thinking about what you deserve, what you need, what would be fair, equitable, or just, or how it would benefit you... that’s the crafty enemy weaving and whispering. He’ll provide you with friends and family who will listen to your complaints and concerns. He'll steer you into those who'll support and endorse you. Everything will seem right - except for a faint, quiet, nearly imperceivable zephyr… Then, as you lean in against your Father’s chest, you'll hear His heartbeat finding solace in the struggle and prosperity the only place it truly exists: in His Presence and promises.
When the enemy weaves and whispers, you, like Jesus, can spot the difference. Knowing Jesus will allow you to confidently rebuke, “Away from me, Satan!” He will flee, and just then His angels will come and attend to you with all the glorious power of heaven for God's eternal glory!
-Kevin M. Kelley
-Kevin M. Kelley