
23 November 2017


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Today is a special holiday for us in the United States of America. Today we celebrate Thanksgiving. If you were to ask the average American (whoever that might be?) what Thanksgiving is about, you might get any variety of responses from something about Pilgrims, to cranberry sauce, to football games, to a day of rest, to upcoming Black Friday deals.

My guess is that the default meaning for very few would likely have anything to do with an attitude of gratitude to Jesus Christ. Even if it did, I wonder if their conception Jesus would be confirmed by Scripture?

In the New Testament book of 1st Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul wrote a brief letter to the members of a church he and some friends planted not long before (see Acts 17). Because of intense persecution in Thessalonica (a city in modern-day Greece), they were only able to stay for about three Sabbaths (Saturdays) before being forced to continue down the road of Paul’s 2nd missionary journey.

In 1 Thessalonians 1:2 Paul begins, “We always give thanks (Εὐχαριστοῦμεν) for all of you…” The Greek word Paul used is pronounced yoo-khar-is-teh'-o, which literally means “good grace.” Throughout the rest of chapter 1, Paul paints an incredible picture of the glorious provision of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit working in and through the church in Thessalonica. Their “work of faith, labor of love, and endurance of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ...” involves not merely an immediate receptivity to the Gospel (see Matt 13:5-6), but more importantly - their mobilization for the mission of God to advance the kingdom of Christ!

Unlike Paul’s other writings, I can’t find a rebuke or correction offered in 1st Thessalonians. Instead, Paul emphatically states, “For the Lord’s message rang out from you, not only in Macedonia and Achaia, but in every place that your faith in God has gone out…” Then Paul puts the cherry on top by writing, “... so that we don’t need to say anything!”

No rebuke necessary! No pleading, no persuasive arguments, no elaborate marketing campaigning to boost attendance or participation, no committee meetings to get the church involved in mission, serving, hospitality, vibrant prayer, or lavish generosity. Despite a climate and culture of intense ridicule and persecution for Christians, the church in Thessalonica nailed it! Thus, Paul (and his travel companions) were overflowing with mutual encouragement and an attitude of gratitude to the Lord, yoo-khar-is-teh'-o, good grace, i.e. THANKSGIVING!

At the close of 1st Thessalonians, Paul concludes his thanksgiving “sandwich” by writing in 5:18, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” In the midst of their grief and intense persecution, the Thessalonians were committed to the true Gospel of Christ. Paul did NOT sugar-coat things by saying, “Ask Jesus into your heart, and everything will be peachy all the days of your life!” No false prosperity gospel here! He told them to abandon self, rely on Christ, and live with thanksgiving in ALL circumstances because that perpetual, enduring, relentless attitude of gratitude is, in fact, God’s exclusive will for you in Christ Jesus!

In a later epistle to the church in Philippi (Philippians), Paul writes again about this attitude of gratitude, stating, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in need…” Today, we skim over the part about having learned to be absolutely content in any and every situation - whether our world is turned upside down, destitute, grief-stricken, filled with uncertainty or living in lavish security. Instead, we skip ahead to: “I can do all this through Him who strengthens me.” Tragically, Paul’s point has been ripped from the context and twisted into something never intended. Jesus Himself provides a corrective (John 15:5) in reminding us, “...for apart from me you can do nothing.”

Paul was so intimately identified with Christ that his own identity, needs, desires, and dreams had been transformed into those of Jesus, and Paul equated everything else to a pile of waste (Phil 3:8). When we see the perfect continuity between what Paul said and what he did, it’s apparent he wasn’t speaking metaphorically when he stated in Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ: and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me…”

An authentic attitude of gratitude, i.e. Thanksgiving, can only truly exist in those who have been GRACIOUSLY born-again of the Holy Spirit and thus freely and fully given themselves over to Christ and His mission of advancing the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

I pray that this Thanksgiving you’ll realize Christ has given everything to do a work in your heart. Maybe this Christmas season, despite being full of ham, turkey, dressing, desserts, football, and lavish comfort - you’ll still sense that true contentment, true thanksgiving, good grace, in any and every situation still eludes you.

If that’s the case, then this a personal invitation, from me to you, to come and join us at Poetry Baptist Church. Please come and experience the redeeming, healing, and transformative power of Jesus Christ through the Word preached, and through our hospitality and fellowship!

-Kevin M. Kelley
Senior Pastor
Poetry Baptist Church
19311 FM 986
Terrell, TX 75160

13 November 2017


Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.
-Matthew 3:8

We’re always producing something. Through rest and sleep our bodies produce various chemicals and hormones, which help us replenish and recover. In our occupations, we either produce to meet the company mission or we produce a status of unemployment. In our language and behavior, we produce signs and signals revealing the nature of our hearts.

The same is true of our faith in Jesus Christ. He didn’t tell us, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance” in order to enslave us in a works-based salvation, but rather to make us keenly aware of this reality: When you truly are a follower of Jesus, not merely a subscriber to religion, there is abundant evidence of fruit production overflowing in your life.

In light of Jesus’ imperative command to “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance,” let’s consider His words in context along with some other passages of Scripture:

...apart from me, you can do nothing. -John 15:5b

The Christian life isn’t about grand building projects, attendance numbers, budget projections, or even multiplication. Jim Jones and David Koresh accomplished all those things without the fruit of repentance. Instead, it’s about our relationship with Jesus Christ, the Author and Perfecter, of our faith. Buildings are static and decaying structures. That’s why Jesus is making His Church out of living stones, i.e. people born-again of the Spirit and mobilizing us for His will, mission, and eternal glory.

Neither is the Christian life about doing our own thing 167 out of the 168 hours in a week. Jesus doesn’t need us to throw Him a bone of “guilt-time” by attending a church service when it’s convenient. Jesus doesn’t need our “guilt-tithe,” throwing a little something His way in the plate, basket, or via the new auto-tithe app. It’s about a relationship with Christ, the One who causes us to become joyful givers and active participants in His will, mission, and glory.

We’re always producing something. The question: Is it something of enduring and eternal value?

...consider others more important than yourself. -Philippians 2:3b

John Maxwell is a prolific author and Christian leadership guru. He might be best known for his book, “The 5 Levels of Leadership,” which is condensed into a brief summary in his book, “How Successful People Lead.”

Level 1) Positional leaders fail because they lead by fear and threats.
Level 2) Permission leaders are invited by people to lead regardless of position.
Level 3) Production leaders are those who excel beyond position and permission to actually producing something through self-discipline, work ethic, skills, and influence.
Level 4) People leaders not only develop stuff (systems, processes, etc.), they develop others.
Level 5) Pinnacle leaders not only develop others, but they develop other leaders, i.e. they make disciples who make disciples.

My critique of Maxwell’s work is that there are really only “3 Levels of Leadership,” not 5. We aren’t called to mere Level 1 (positional) or Level 2 (permissional) leadership. Nor are we called to leverage our God-given gifts to develop people as disciples of industry, psychology, culture, success, or technology. The Steve Jobs and David Koresh of the world can do that too.

Are we Level 3 Production leaders using Position and Permission to lead people in discipleship, multiplication, the will, mission, and glory of Jesus Christ?

Are we doing as Jesus commanded? Are we truly producing fruit (of the “firstfruit” variety) in keeping with repentance - or are we more interested in the production of personal comforts, security, and goals (conforming to the pattern of the world) to then throw Jesus our leftover scraps of time, talents, and treasures?

To the one, we are the stench of death and demise; to the other, a fragrant aroma bringing life. -2 Corinthians 2:16

The great failure of churches today is a desire for acceptance. A sense of acceptance within the intellectual community drives our apologetics. A sense of acceptance within culture drives our decor, programs, ministries, and sermons. A sense of acceptance by the big financial donors drive our budgets, staffing - even vision and mission. In all this we have failed to recall Paul’s words, “I am not ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…”

True, there are pastors and entire congregations who have forgotten it is only by grace we are saved and not ethics or morality. There are also pastors and congregations who have forgotten that there is no real grace apart from truth. The former does nothing to represent or serve the will, mission, or glory of God as they spew venomous and vile hate. The latter jettison doctrine and truth in the futile pursuit of worldly acceptance. They pass out puppies and warm-fuzzies to the world and bid them, “Come as you are!” but never stand firm on the foundation of Jesus’ words, “Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”

The perfect balance, timing, and production of a stench of death or fragrant aroma of life can only ever exist and thrive through the presence and perfect work of God Almighty.

We’re all producing something. It can either be of eternal value sourced in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit dwelling within, or it simply falls into the category of “rubbish.” As Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:13,

“their work will be shown for what it is because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person's work.”

Lose the idea of self and embrace the idea of surrender to Christ. Then, He will establish your true identity in taking you where you never dreamed you’d go, doing things you never thought you’d do, and only ever understanding any of it in the glorious light of the Gospel of truth and grace.

We’re all producing, but are you producing an eternally enduring legacy on the foundation of Christ - or striving for nothing and laboring in vain?

-Kevin M. Kelley

04 November 2017


So also you - since you are zealous in matters of the Spirit, seek to excel in building up the Church.
-1 Corinthians 14:12

Recently, a friend shared some of his father’s many dysfunctional behaviors. When my friend brought up the subject of church attendance, his dad quipped, “Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian!” and then stormed off.

His dad is right.

Church attendance is most certainly neither a condition of salvation nor evidence of it. In Luke 23:43 Jesus promised the criminal crucified next to Him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” There was no water ceremony, no membership 101 class, no history of tithing, and he never signed up to serve coffee or donuts. But where my friend’s dad misses the boat completely is here:

For the word of God is living and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating as far as to divide soul, spirit, joints, and marrow; it is a judge of the ideas and thoughts of the heart.
-Hebrews 4:12

Motive. True, church attendance is neither a condition of salvation nor evidence of it. But God is able to judge the ideas and thoughts of the heart.

If you’re not faithfully serving in a local church to build it up, why not? “Those people are all hypocrites!” is a typical response. A hypocrite is an actor - someone who puts on a mask. Sure, there’s one kind of hypocrite that acts like something they’re not.

There’s another kind, a more cowardly and repulsive kind, who uses the behavior of others as an easy out. Rather than being agents of positive transformation, rather than being zealous for Christ’s Bride, rather than making a stand, rather than building up, rather than fighting they “go gentle into that good night” and expose the truth of their love for comfort, sin, and self - more than Christ.

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.
-John 15:13

While the criminal crucified next to Jesus never went through a watery baptismal ceremony, he was, in fact, literally crucified with Christ. As he hung on a cross next to the Savior of the world, he was exposed to the truth of the Gospel and blessed with the gift of faith. He publically recognized, repented, died to self, identified with (was baptized into) Christ, was immediately justified, and thus born-again imperishable in the Spirit.

The marginal, cultural, fair-weather, and superficial self-identifying Christians of the world today would benefit greatly from a word of exhortation here, “seek to excel in building up the Church.”

If we truly are born-again, what evidence convicts us? What fruit has been produced? Whose name is written in the Book of Life because of our faithfulness to Christ’s commission? In what tangible and concrete ways have you died to self, identified with Christ, and loved so zealously, so lavishly, as to consider others as more important than yourself? How have you excelled in building up Christ’s Bride - the Church?

My friend’s dad is 100% correct. Going to church doesn’t make anyone a Christian. But if one has the means and opportunity - then not going, not investing, not fighting, not loving, not serving, not excelling in building it up, and not being the church… that certainly exposes one as the worst kind of hypocrite; the impotent whiny coward who defers responsibility and ownership.

But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars--they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
-Revelation 21:8

I have more respect for the agnostic still grappling with questions than any so-called Christian content to ride the bench as a spectator or critic. If you’re not grappling with the truth, not sold out for Jesus, not excelling at building up the church…  don’t go.

Jesus never looked to boost attendance numbers or create a culture of lazy apathetic consumers. He’s only ever sought worshippers in spirit and truth who, by faith, would take the Gospel to the ends of the earth and prevail over the gates of Hell.

Don’t go; be the Church.

-Kevin M. Kelley