
31 October 2016



In 1 Corinthians 10:6 we read, “These, on the other hand, have become for us a model of what not to be - lusters, cravers, desirers of evil - as they too were consumed.”

The reference is clear in the preceding verses, i.e. the Israelites in Moses’ day who perpetually grumbled, rejected, questioned, and rebelled against God only to be “struck down in the desert” (v.5). The legacy they left for their descendants - and us - was one of shameful destruction.

Here, in Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth, Scripture depicts the divisive, rebellious, legalists, complainers, consumers, and snipers within the church as a “model” or “example” of what not to be: lusters, cravers, and desirers of evil who “tempt Christ.” Paul subsequently equates them with the Israelites whose legacy it was to be “struck down in the desert,” “destroyed by snakes,” and “killed by the Destroyer.”

Paul’s concern for the church at Corinth quickly turns to rebuke and condemnation for divisions, incest, litigation, immorality, idol worship, and what most accurately translates to the consumer mindset today in many churches across America and the globe. A mindset of showing up whenever it’s convenient for me, parking in the closest available spot (even if it’s labeled handicapped, guest, or new parent), running in late, grabbing the seat at the back, and leaving early without having invested in anyone, loved on anyone, demonstrated compassion for anyone, or having “waited” on, or for, anyone… because after all “It’s all about me, mine, and my - right?”

The Corinthians were not only living selfish, immoral, licentious lives indistinguishable from the pagans, but they were showing up to “worship” and “celebrating” the Lord’s Supper with no reverence for God and no care, compassion, or concern for others.

Toward the end of chapter 11 Paul notes, “on the night when He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread… and said, ‘This is My body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of Me.’ In the same way also the cup after supper and said, ‘This cup is the new covenant in My blood… Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.”

Was Jesus simply referring to the act of eating and drinking when He said, “Do this in remembrance of Me” or was He referring to the position of our hearts (worship and praise) and our mindset regarding others (humility and service)?

In 11:33 Paul writes, “Therefore, my brothers, when you come together to eat, ἐκδέχεσθε.” It’s often translated “wait for,” but that Greek word implies more than simply being polite and allowing others to eat first. Instead, it implies the humble expectation of a servant. Paul undoubtedly intended to repaint the picture of Jesus - God - washing the feet of His disciples, on the night he was betrayed (John 13:1-17), where He said, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”

Jesus’ legacy for His disciples wasn’t about eating and drinking (Rom 14:17). It wasn’t about the great grape juice or wine controversy. It wasn’t about loaves of bread or wafers. It wasn’t about contemporary or traditional worship preferences. Jesus legacy that night was an example of service for His disciples, i.e. those who love and follow Him.

It’s no coincidence that the biggest complainers, grumblers, snipers, legalists, and gossips are the selfish consumers - the Corinthians - of every local church across the planet.

They rarely contribute, and when they do it’s not about truly serving, but rather about a title or position of authority / recognition. They never do what Jesus modeled the night He was betrayed. They never do what Paul wrote about here in being a humbly expectant servant (see also Philippians 2:3,

Instead, as the whole of Scripture testifies, the complainers, gossips, legalists, and snipers in the church today have “become for us a model of what not to be - lusters, cravers, desirers of evil; and just as Paul notes, “as they too were consumed,” because as Ephesians 4:18 notes, “They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts.”

The book of Hebrews also address this in stating, “land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.” The consumer mentality is one of a worthless land of thorns and thistles, which is ultimately consumed with fire.

Jesus didn’t leave any room for a third category. He said, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”

So what’s your legacy going to be? That of a consumer or a servant? Will your’s be a legacy of destruction or blessing?

-Kevin M. Kelley

29 October 2016



When we read Psalm 143 it is readily apparent that wasn’t metaphor. David was literally living in caves in order to hide from Saul and his men.

David cried out to God from the darkness of those caves and said, “Lord, hear my prayer… For the enemy has pursued me, crushing me to the ground, making me live in darkness like those long dead. My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay.”

From a place of utter dismay David recalled “the days of old;” days when David had sweet fellowship with God, when he was the embodiment of God’s will on earth, when - as a simple shepherd boy - he would write and sing songs of love and praise to God Almighty.

Today we often find ourselves in similarly desperate situations, when our hearts are overcome with dismay, and we too recall “days of old.” But unlike David we tend to think more about exceptional experiences and physical circumstances rather than our rich spiritual and emotional fellowship with God. Rarely do we reflect back on seasons of sweet obedience and surrender; instead we ruminate on vacations, outings, retreats, and other fleeting “getaway” vapors.

The cause of David’s weak spirit and a heart “overcome with dismay” was not the fact that he was forced to sleep in a dark cave rather than a royal bedchamber, but rather that he had been forcibly separated from fellowship with God’s people and thus prevented from participating in community worship.

In verses 5 and 6 we read how David participated in his own deliverance:

“I remember the days of old;” David recalled sweet fellowship with God and His people.

“I meditate on all You have done;” David meditated on God’s gracious and redemptive hand in human history (The Fall, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Exodus, Judges…)

“I reflect on the works of Your hands;” David spent time reflecting on the marvel and beauty of creation as a form of true worship.

“I spread out my hands before You;” David humbled himself in utter surrender and obedience to God’s will and providence.

David participated in his own deliverance by remembering, meditating, reflecting, and worshipping God in praise and prayer. Toward the end of this psalm of praise David sang:

“Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning, for I trust in You… Teach me to do Your will.”

David understood that experiencing God’s faithful love was not only a gift, but a gift celebrated by serving in a community of worship - something impossible to experience in solitude and exile in the wilderness.

Are you, like David, crying out to God “Lord, hear my prayer?”

Are you feeling crushed, broken in spirit, and overcome with dismay?

Are you praying for God to merely change your circumstances so that the cycle of insanity can simply begin again; or, like David, will you remember “the days of old” when you had sweet fellowship with God in a community of worship, meditating on all He has done by spending time in the Word, reflecting on the works of His hands by worshiping Christ in creation, and spreading out your hands and heart to Him in humble submission to His will for your life?

When you cry out, “Answer me quickly, LORD” is it to merely to experience His blessings for your own selfish benefit - or to experience His faithful love by being poured out within the context of Christian community as He teaches you to do His will?

David dug himself out of the pit by understanding who he was (identity) and why he was (purpose). He was God’s anointed King. God was working out all the details. David fully expected that God was reconciling and restoring all things - so he prayed with the kind of giddy expectation that kids experience on Christmas Eve; “Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning for I trust in You… Teach me to do Your will.”

If you are in a season of darkness and dismay the solution is exactly the same for us today - identity and purpose in Christ. The remedy of deliverance is the same: remember, meditate, reflect, and spread yourself out in humble obedience and, like David, become an active member of His incarnate will (i.e. the Church) as a blessing to all peoples to the ends of the earth (Gen 12:3).

Want to experience a wildflower sunrise? Then, like David, pray, “Let me experience Your faithful love in the morning… Teach me to do your will.”

-Kevin M. Kelley

21 October 2016


The ’80s were a great time of fashion disasters: big hair, shoulder pads, Cavaricci pants, and let’s not forget the classic “Members Only” jacket. Membership can be an odd concept when not understood properly.

Back on October 13, 2016, DallasNews published a story titled, “Watermark church dismissed me for being gay.” The story is basically in two parts.

In the first part, the dismissed church member posted a story on social media in response to being dismissed as a member of Watermark. In his post, the man, Jason, writes about how he’d struggled with his homosexuality (he actually uses the word “battling”) and how he prayed almost daily that God would change him. Then he makes a profound statement, “But when I wasn’t able to change, you (Watermark Church) turned your back on me.”

The second part of the story is the letter from the elders of Watermark that preceded the social media post. In their letter, the Watermark elders indicate a pattern of “destructive” behavior that was not in line with membership. The elders noted, “We recognize that these patterns are only symptoms of a heart that is either unwilling or unable to fully trust God in every area of your life, including your sexuality.” The Watermark elders close the letter by affirming the man’s gifts, a commitment to continued prayer for him, and a sincere desire to see him restored into fellowship.

Watermark did an outstanding job of representing Christ in a strong, loving, and biblical fashion. I’m proud of my brothers and sisters in Christ who serve there and who were unwilling to dilute the gospel in the face of controversy and pressure because it truly is “the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes.”

It’s unfortunate that Jason took to a social media rant in an effort to defame Watermark, thereby only solidifying their assessment of “a heart that is either unwilling or unable to fully trust God in every area of your life…”

Consider the fact that Jason admitted to “battling against” his homosexuality for many years, and praying and believing that God would ultimately “change me.” But then, the telling statement comes, “But when I wasn’t able to change, you (Watermark) turned your back on me.”

Watermark never turned their back. One cannot pray a prayer of deliverance asking, in fact, pleading, God change me,” but then demanding it happen according to our vision, our timing, and our terms. The Israelites spent 40 years in the desert for a similar sin.

In Galatians chapter 5:22 we read, “... the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience…” But just before that well known passage of Scripture we read, “Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, manipulation, hatreds, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, selfish ambitions, dissensions, factions, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and anything similar. I tell you about these things in advance—as I told you before—that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.”

The point: sexual immorality, moral impurity, promiscuity, etc., do NOT disqualify those FREE IN CHRIST (read all of Galatians 5) from the Kingdom of God (or church membership), rather it is “those who practice such things” who will have no part of the inheritance, which includes church membership. The emphasis is on continual, ongoing, unchanged behaviors. Watermark pointed this out to Jason in recognizing and affirming “a heart that is either unwilling or unable to fully trust God in every area of your life…”

Absolute surrender is beyond our capacity as fallen, depraved, broken, flawed, and sin-riddled humanity. That’s why we don't just need any savior. We need the unique unfallen, righteous, complete, perfect, and spotless Savior. We need the New Genesis - Jesus the Christ.

The DallasNews did what we should expect from a secular news agency - they stirred things up to generate a buzz. They threw stuff at the board to see what would stick and generate clicks - to see what would sell.

Jason did what we can, and should, expect from fallen humanity - what we’ve all done apart from the gift of faith and transformative power of the Holy Spirit, viz. taking our own path in an effort to achieve superficial and synthetic change. “I believed with all my heart God would change me; I prayed for change almost daily. But when I wasn’t able to change…” Jason prayed to God, but never trusted or waited patiently for Him to answer those prayers in God’s way and in God’s perfect and providential timing.

Watermark did what the Bible commands and fully expects the Church to do: To lovingly and unashamedly point out that “those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” The elders of Watermark would not allow someone to be deceived by synthetic religion or allow a sheep entrusted to their care to find a false sense of security in a superficial and meaningless membership “status” when the individual was clearly not redeemed, regenerate, or in fellowship with Christ. Watermark didn’t determine Jason’s membership “status.” Jason did that.

To our overly sensitive, and nauseatingly “correct” secular culture where participation trophies are not just the norm, but the expectation - the idea of “dismissing” someone from membership (church membership no-less!) based on their sexual orientation, and “unalienable rights” as a human being, seems grossly antiquated and atrociously misguided.

The problem with worldly wisdom - it's tragically and fatally flawed. Those “unalienable rights” we all demand - they are endowed to us by our Creator - as both the Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, the Bible indicates. When we blatantly deny the Creator, His Laws, His blessings, and His absolute sovereignty, we willingly forfeit all our rights bestowed by Him.

Thankfully, He gave us His Word both in written form (i.e. the Bible), and in human form (i.e. Jesus Christ) to simultaneously let us know that 1) we, in fact, are grossly deficient and seriously misguided in our sin, and 2) that rather than rub our faces in it - He has transcended time, space, the Cross, and even the grave to restore fellowship with us.

Membership isn’t about getting our name entered into a church database. Membership is about an intimate, unyielding, and unrelenting IDENTIFICATION with Jesus Christ, and thus His mission - to literally BE His Gospel blessing to all humanity! Proclaiming, heralding, and living Christ as the unique Way, Truth, and Life.

It would be odd to IDENTIFY as a member of the Flat Earth Society if one truly believed the earth round. It would be incoherent to maintain membership with the NRA if one despised firearms and opposed the sale, purchase, making, or use of them. Yet churches globally are overflowing with superficial "members" who refuse to identify with Christ and His mission, submit to God's authority, or produce a harvest in keeping with repentance. Thus, they deliberately choose alienation and non-identification as members of His Body and Bride.

The idea of church membership isn’t about privileged “access” or country club status. Membership represents intimate IDENTIFICATION with the ideals, values, beliefs, vision, and mission of Christ. Watermark did not “revoke” Jason’s membership; Jason and countless others do that all on their own when they decided they've waited long enough for God.

There are church rosters and databases across the globe overflowing with people who unfortunately have a false sense of security regarding their relationship with Jesus; people who have checked boxes, gone through membership classes, recited membership pledges, filled out membership forms, done mystical membership rituals - yet tragically know absolutely nothing about the legitimate transformative power of Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit reigning and ruling over their hearts. Tragically, many churches and church leaders permit it in order to stay on budget. The time has clearly come when the fullness of the Gospel message, in all its power, has been exchanged for the tickling of ears (2 Tim 4:3).

Watermark is no Westboro. There was no homophobic march, no picketing outside Jason’s home or workplace, no hate letters, no obscenities or hate hurled via megaphone, and no divisiveness. Watermark did exactly what every church should do when faced with the reality of a current “member” practicing a life repeatedly revealing contradiction to and dissonance with faith from, through, and in Christ.

Watermark lovingly intervened, prayed, supported, rebuked, edified, and finally - reluctantly - acquiesced to the reality of Jason’s pervasive depravity. Watermark doesn’t love or care for Jason any less. The elders of Watermark graciously, responsibly, and obediently pointed out the reality of a distinction between MEMBERS (intimate IDENTIFICATION with the ideals, values, beliefs, vision, and mission) and those who are merely ATTENDEES.

Toward the end of his post, Jason ironically commented to Watermark, “Thank you for removing yourself from my life!” Just as Watermark never removed themselves from Jason’s life (they simply pointed out his ideals and values did not reflect those of a member of Christ’s church) - God never removed Himself from Jason’s life - or ours. We are proficient in doing that all on our own.

The Bible tells us “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom 3:23). God didn’t remove Himself from us. We have all chosen rebellion and autonomy rather than a life-giving relationship with our Creator. Even God’s expulsion of humanity from Eden’s garden was an act of divine grace and longsuffering. Had depraved and corrupted humanity remained we would have subsequently been destroyed by God’s perfect holiness.

God gave us His Word in written form, but He didn’t stop there. God Himself came to dwell with us and took the punishment we deserve for our blatant and perpetual rebellion. Through His birth, baptism, crucifixion, and resurrection Jesus IDENTIFIED with humanity and quite literally became our Way home. God doesn't want us to remain deluded about our relationship with Him - neither should His Church.

The elders of Watermark closed in writing, “We love you Jason, and stand at the gate for you and eagerly await God’s restoration in your life (Luke 15:20).”

Membership isn’t about the right look, the right jacket, or having a star next to your name in some meaningless database. Membership is about standing in the Gate graciously loving, pleading, reaching, weeping, interceding, and IDENTIFYING both with Jesus our Savior and with sinful humanity. When we recall there was no distinction between us and Jason before the gift of faith - before His ridiculously extravagant and unmerited grace - we are compelled to BE the Church.

That's membership.

I waited patiently for the Lord,
He turned to me and heard my cry for help.
He brought me up from a desolate pit,
out of the muddy clay,
and set my feet on a rock,
making my steps secure.
He put a new song in my mouth,
a hymn of praise to our God.
Many will see and fear the LORD
and put their trust in Him.
-Psalm 40:1-3

-Kevin M. Kelley

20 October 2016



As we close in on the election of the next President of the United States of America, here are some thoughts to mull over, deliberate, and ponder.

Twelve years before the ratification The Constitution of the United States of America (1788) we had another important document - The Declaration of Independence (1776). The Declaration contains none of the grossly misconstrued “separation of church and state” drivel and blather that exists in the minds of the gloriously ignorant today.

The philosophical intent of “separation” was to keep a state church (e.g. Church of England) from dictating government policy. It was never intended to expel the sacred from the secular and create a synthetically fatalistic rift between faith in humanity’s Creator and God’s gift of government.

If your initial reaction is to dismiss such cogitation as religious poppycock - then consider the words of our Declaration:

“and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them...” and furthermore “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Our forefathers thought it important enough to introduce God as the Author and Sovereign of nature, wisdom, and in fact human government.

Immediately following “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” we read “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”

What we’ve completely lost sight of is that the Declaration of Independence was written to articulate that:

1) There are undeniable “Law’s of Nature”
2) God is the author and Sovereign over Nature and these “self-evident” Laws
3) God is the Creator of humanity - the pinnacle and purpose of God’s creation
4) God has endowed humanity with “certain unalienable Rights”
5) The purpose of government is to “secure these rights” endowed to humanity by God
6) Governments derive their “just powers” from the consent of the governed

The hierarchy depicted within the Declaration of Independence is that of: God over Nature, Nature’s laws of wisdom and truth governing humanity, and human government deriving its powers from the consent of those created by God and governed by God’s Law.

Our Forefathers were not oriented in their faith toward Islam or Judaism. They were not Jehovah’s Witnesses (1870’s), Mormons (1830’s), Christian Scientists (1875), or New Age practitioners (1970’s). In fact, as David Barton notes, “29 of the 56 signers of the Declaration held what are today considered seminary or Bible school degrees, and many others of the signers were bold and outspoken in their personal Christian faith.”

It was this very Christian God of nature, wisdom, and government to whom our Forefathers ascribed our “certain unalienable rights… Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” and the very purpose and responsibility of government to “secure these rights” and self-evident truths, which were endowed to us by our Creator.


As the election approaches we are faced with two atrocious choices. On one hand we have Donald Trump - someone whose transparency reveals genuine flaws in judgment, but also someone who upholds the basic ideas of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

On the other hand we have Hillary Clinton - someone whose lack of transparency (email scandals, treason, and numerous deaths of associates and rivals), and support of abortion reveals fatalistic flaws in judgment, morality, and ethics, -AND- someone who, in fact, does not understand or believe that government derives its powers from the governed, i.e. those who are endowed with certain unalienable rights by our Creator, including LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

This article isn’t about Clinton or Trump. This article is a wake-up call to America and Americans. When we deny the very existence and sovereignty of our Creator and expel Him from the government He so graciously provided for our benefit in order to provide us with Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness - is it any wonder that we have found ourselves bereft of them?

God expelled humanity from Eden’s garden for their rebellion, but gave us a promise of hope in Christ who came to earth to restore life, liberty, and happiness.

We’ve subsequently expelled God from America, embraced atheism and autonomy, and rejected the Bible, it’s inspiration and authority; yet we have the audacity and sheer arrogance to ask, “If God exists - why is there evil in the world.”

The problem, and in fact the solution, is clear, “Where there is no revelation, people cast off restraint; but blessed is the one who heeds wisdom's instruction.” -Proverbs 29:18

The pursuit of life is a self-evident gift and unalienable right endowed to us by our Creator. God, our Creator, is therefore the linchpin, foundation, keystone, and anchor that holds it all together. That’s what our Forefathers banked on and blessed us with in their writings.

We’ve utterly rejected Him while indignantly demanding and selfishly consuming His blessings.

“Why is there evil in the world?” Indeed.

-Kevin M. Kelley